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With clean money for the new morality
With clean money for the new morality

With clean money for the new morality
January 19, 2024 source

Miklós Patrubány and János Drábik presented the Magyarok XI at a press conference on January 17, 2024. Information about the financial and economic policy conference taking place within the framework of the World Congress. Below is Zsuzsanna Gyöngyösi's report.

The press conference is held by: Miklós Patrubány, president of the MVSZ, and Dr. Drábik János, president of the Trianon Society, who is the XI. He heads the organizing committee of the financial and economic policy conference of his World Congress. Host: dr. Péter Laky-Takács, MXIVK spokesperson.

Miklós Patrubány thanks Dr. János Drábik, who, in addition to leading the Strategic Committee of the MVSZ, also played a decisive role in the history of the last three World Congresses, performing uniquely excellent work.

The Hungarians XI. The goal of its World Congress is to create a new, different world. In the conference to be presented now, money takes center stage, which no longer fulfills the task of economic exchange that the inventors of money envisioned thousands of years ago, but is used to create and cement a situation of world domination.

Dr. János Drábik's thoughts:

In his newsletter, he says that he wants to work in this direction with all his abilities and strength. The worldwide initiative developed by MXIVK's financial and economic policy conference entitled "Clean money for new morals" fits well into this work. This is apparently not the task of the World Federation of Hungarians, as it is not an economic institution. MVSZ, - as so many other times - under the presidency of Miklós Patrubány. In

the collective West, to which we also belong, there are ideologues who represent the power of the money oligarchy that also operates over the states. They have created and operate a world empire. The collective West is an economic , a leading force in the world in terms of finance and research. Yet they say that it is in a declining phase.

We are in a "double cage" in Europe: the EU and NATO. In this "double cage" it is extremely difficult to develop a strategy that serves the fundamental interests of the Hungarian nation to develop and represent that this effort would not necessarily lead to finance and economy

It would be a Jesus initiative to release everyone's debt, both private and public property. It could be a global jubilee year. This topic has already appeared in the thoughts of serious professionals and bankers, and it has been published several times.

The monetary system determines everyone's life. The World Federation of Hungarians would like to let the world know that such an initiative is possible. A total and global debt forgiveness worldwide.

He asks for God's blessing on all those who feel and bear in their hearts the common problem of the Hungarian nation, of Hungarians throughout the world, to help the work of the World Association of Hungarians.

Taking the floor, Miklós Patrubány says that the World Federation of Hungarians and the World Congress of Hungarians are of the same essence. The World Congress of Hungarians called the World Federation of Hungarians into existence 86 years ago. His most important task is to serve the World Congress of Hungarians, convene the next Congress, organize, conduct and implement its decisions. The World Congress of Hungarians is the Hungarian nation itself, a body with such legitimacy that delegates from all Hungarian communities around the world can be present.

Such a morally motivated world congress framework brings to the fore the Scythian morals, without which this humanity is rushing to perish today. That is why the World Congress got this title: With Scythians against the Darkness. If we want to steer the future of all humanity in a better direction, money and the economic dimension will be unavoidable, but it took the greatness of János Drábik to be able to start this issue with the thought of Jesus, perhaps only he thought of it. Thanks to János Drábik for approaching this in this way.

Dr. Lajos Borsos, who lives in Zurich, was present at the prehistory conference of the World Congress held in 2016, where the closing statement stated that the Hungarian future is under the sign of the holy crown and is open to the Scythian morals ruling the world. This led the 30-year research work of Lajos Boros to a decisive realization, which he also published in a book, that the teaching of Jesus was a legacy of the Scythians and not an inheritance. The title of the book written in German is: Das Neue Testament, das Vermächtnis der Skythen.

Dr. János Drábik lists the main topics of the financial and economic policy conference:

public debt, foreign currency loans, debt forgiveness, interest-free, redistribution, central bank digital money (CBDC), quantum financial world (QFS), globalism and localism differently, acceleration of CHANGE from Hungary.

Summing up thoughts of Miklós Patrubány:

The title of the financial and economic policy conference: With clean money for the new morality. The Magyars XI is formulated here as well. The main message of the World Congress is that we need to bring different kinds of morals here. That is why the world of the Scythians is on the agenda of this year's World Congress, since our Lord Jesus embodied the moral system still in effect today, where power and interest do not rule, but love. In such a spiritual environment, the Magyars XI. At the World Congress, even financial matters can be discussed along the lines of the teachings of Jesus.

If we want to raise the Hungarian nation, it cannot be done without a world movement. The purpose of the World Congress is to lead those people and peoples towards each other. for whom Scythian morals are important and want to live according to them. These values ​​must be added to the liver.

Six years before, in the 80th year of its founding, the World Association of Hungarians sent a message to the Hungarians of the world, to the peoples of Europe and the world, that we should look for and consider as our relatives those for whom TRUTH is more important than WELFARE, for whom HONESTY is more important, like SUCCESS and for whom WORTHY is more important than PROGRESS. He emphasizes that he does not dispute the importance of WELFARE, SUCCESS and PROGRESS, but if a choice has to be made, TRUTH, FAIRNESS and DIGNITY are always more important in the world of Scythian values.

The leaders of the other conferences will also present themselves at the following press conferences - on Wednesday.
Zsuzsanna Gyöngyösi

Attila Grandpierre: Through international borrowing, I borrowed a book written in 1832 and whose title was: Ancient Fragments. I thought the title sounded exciting. I looked at what he wrote and read the following verbatim:

Before the construction of the tower, the most widespread religion was called Scythism.
I saw the Hungarian historical atlas and I concluded that the Hungarian primordial religion was the primordial religion of Eurasia and was the most widespread, it filled almost the whole of Eurasia, and now I read that it was called Scythism in ancient times - Scythian religion and before the construction of the tower!
When was the tower built?

In the preface of Tarihi Üngürüsz, I wrote a 100-page introduction, which reveals that the tower was built in 3000 BC, when it was built by King Nemró.
According to our chronicles, King Nemrót was a Hungarian king. So 5000 years ago the Scythian religion was the dominant religion in Eurasia.
This is also an interesting fact because around 1500 BC none of the current world religions were present. And now it stands here in black and white that it was called the Scythian religion.

The people who lived there were Scythian people!

Katalin Novák spoke in Davos
Katalin Novák spoke in Davos

Russia cannot win, this is the most important thing" - Katalin Novák spoke in Davos.
January 17, 2024. source

The President of the Republic of Hungary participated in a panel discussion at the World Economic Forum in Davos, during which he stated that it is important for Europe to avoid the third world war. Dmitro Kuleba was present at the discussion also the Ukrainian Foreign Minister, who claimed: "Hungary is very interested in Ukraine's EU accession.

As Mandiner previously reported, the World Economic Forum in Davos started on Monday. Every year, at the forum, heads of state and government, economic actors and experts discuss the world economy and the international about the current issues of politics.

Among the topics of this year's forum are, in addition to geopolitical uncertainty, the challenges that threaten the security of Europe, as well as the current trends of the world economy. The

President of the Republic, Katalin Novák, also traveled to Switzerland to hold negotiations and take part in the panel discussion entitled "Defending Europe's United Front" . The event was also attended by: Belarusian opposition politician Sviatlana Heorhiyevna Tsyhanovskaia, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitro Kuleba, Polish President Andrzej Duda and Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenković.

The Ukrainian-Russian war

The first topic was the Russian-Ukrainian war and support for Ukraine. First, Andrzej Duda was given the floor by Roula Khalaf, moderator of the event and editor of the Financial Times. The Polish president said: they supported Ukraine from the first moment. He added: they were the first to offer tanks to their neighbor. The president stated: the Ukrainian army is fighting very heroically, and this is one of the reasons why they have been able to beat back the Russians continuously for two years.

"International support helped Ukraine survive. A lot of international help came, but support is constantly needed.

War fatigue, which we talk about a lot, is a very dangerous phenomenon that we must try to avoid," declared Andrzej Duda.

The moderator then stated that he does not see that among the readers of the Financial Times, they are at all tired of the news of the Ukrainian war.

The time for negotiations is not here.

Afterwards, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitro Kuleba said that Ukraine needs even more weapons. He stated: In 2024, they will try to defeat Russia from the air.

"Whoever rules the skies will determine when and how the war ends," declared the Ukrainian foreign minister. That is why it is important for Ukraine to get ballistic missiles, he added.

Kuleba said that they had not received any indication from their allies that anyone was tired of supporting Ukraine. He stated that they will not give up the fight and that he does not feel the pressure to talk about peace.

The Hungarian position

The editor of the Financial Times then turned to the President of the Republic, Katalin Novák. According to the journalist, even though Hungary is a member of the EU, it is often impossible to decide what the country's position is. According to Roula Khalaf, what the Hungarian Prime Minister does and says arouses concern in Ukrainians and other Europeans as well.

Katalin Novák said: the best solution to the fatigue related to the war is to continue talking about this important topic.

"Geographically, we are also in a very special situation, as we are Ukraine's immediate neighbors, and Hungarians also live in the territory of the country.

Thus, Russian aggression affects us not only indirectly, but also directly," began the President of the Republic. He added: the participants of the conversation agree on the most important issues. He recalled that he had already condemned Russian aggression during his inauguration.

"We must always make it clear who is the aggressor and which country is attacked by another state. It must also be made clear that Russia has crossed the Rubicon with its actions," he declared.

Katalin Novák added: war is never a solution, aggression is never a solution.

"Do you believe that Ukraine can win?" asked the moderator Katalin Novák, who answered:

"Russia cannot win, and that is the most important thing. This is what must be achieved."

The President of the Republic stated: Hungary will continue to support Ukraine.

The moderator asked Kuleba to respond to Katalin Novák's words. The Ukrainian Foreign Minister stated that Ukraine's EU membership is also in Hungary's interest.

"Hungary is a very close partner of ours. We are used to talking, sometimes we have different positions, but in the end we always sit down and discuss," said Kuleba.

The Ukrainian politician also mentioned that there are also meetings at a high level, and gave the example of the fact that President Volodymyr Zeleskiy recently spoke with Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in Argentina.

A united European position

Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenković spoke about the fact that Europe should continue to support Ukraine.

"I am convinced that we will persevere in supporting Ukraine in this terrible situation," said the Croatian politician.

Afterwards, Belarusian opposition activist Svyatlana Heorhiyevna Tsyhanovskaya said: It is very important for Belarus that Ukraine wins. According to him, Lukashenka's power is fragile and the president is just Putin's puppet.

American elections

The moderator turned the conversation to the American elections and asked Polish President Duda if he was worried about the election of Trump. The Polish politician said:

"Americans have the right to decide

He added that it is important to strengthen the Euro-Atlantic relationship regardless of who the leaders are.

Kuleba echoed Duda's words: they will cooperate with whoever becomes the president. He reminded the moderator that the Trump administration sold Javelin missiles to Ukraine.

What will be the outcome of the war?

Afterwards, members of the audience could ask questions. A man asked Kuleba if, after the failed counterattack, he was prepared for the fact that the Ukrainians could legitimately ask their leadership what the Ukrainian path to victory is now.

The Ukrainian foreign minister stated that the Normandy landings did not start well either, as they did not immediately bring victory, and the German counterattack was quite successful, but no one asked such a question at the time.

Afterwards, Katalin Novák asked to speak and remarked: "it is important to examine the experiences of the First and Second World Wars, but it is even more important to avoid the Third World War."

"NATO is not at war. The European Union is not at war. We must avoid getting involved militarily in the war, as well as the escalation of the war. We must support Ukraine in its fight, we must help it protect its land. However, it is a huge value that there is still peace in our country - I say this as a mother of three children - and it is important that it remains so," said the Hungarian President.

Katalin Novák condemned Russia at the WEF meeting and swore an oath of loyalty to Zelenskiy while Szijjártó did the same in Israel to the mass murderer Netanyahu.
Let's face it, what is happening in Hungary today goes beyond the general globalist-Zionist narrative, because the famous puppets of the Orbán government in Budapest are clearly telling us that they are on the BAD SIDE.
Let's face it, let's face it, that Hungary, i.e. Hungary Zrt., has become a real Zionist/Satanist colony, turned into one by the government that lied about being "national-Christian-conservative".
This was the trap they tricked the Hungarians into, creating the appearance that they had dealt with the "Öszödi-Libsiks", i.e. the Gyurcsánys, and finally a Hungarian government entered the Budapest parliament. Well, it didn't cost. Today, only the completely uninformed, completely brainwashed Hungarians do not see, do not realize that Orbán and Gyurcásny really came from the same source, that the whole partisan juggling act was just a big political sham. Viktor Orbán and his entire parliamentary troupe are controlled by the same people who control Gyurcány. The usual slogan that "Orbán is still better than Gyurcsány" is therefore a false and suicidal argument. Not better. Just as bad, even worse! It's worse, because they fulfill their nation-destroying and nation-treasonous mission with full steam, but they don't do it in Fletó's liberal costume, but in a national-colored killer-clown costume.

The puppet president of Hungary Katalin Novák's New Year's greeting, written in advance and performed theatrically, but very talentlessly, left a very strange horse's foot in the general peasant blindness. (...)
The World Economic Forum names disinformation and climate change as the most serious threats in 2024 According to the World Economic Forum's Global Risks 2024 report, the world is "beset by a duo of dangerous crises: climate and conflict," which are "on the back of rapidly accelerating technological change and economic uncertainty." American Citizens: Demand Congress Investigate Growing Excess Deaths.
The World Economic Forum, the group of global elites that those on the political right love to hate, has just released its report on the biggest threats to 2024 and beyond.

And climate is not at the top of the list of risks, at least not immediately.
According to the WEF, based in Davos, Switzerland, the biggest short-term risk is fake news.

"While climate-related risks remain a dominant theme, the 2024 report identifies the threat from misinformation and disinformation as the most serious near-term threat," the group said.

"The cascading shocks that have hit the world in recent years are proving unmanageable. The increasing effects of wars and conflicts, polarized politics, an ongoing crisis in living standards, and a changing climate are destabilizing the global order." "The

report reveals a world that "we are hit by a duo of dangerous crises: climate and conflict." These threats are driven by rapidly accelerating technological change and economic uncertainty."

According to globalists, "the growing concern about misinformation and disinformation stems in large part from the possibility that artificial intelligence in the hands of bad actors could flood global information systems with false narratives."

According to the report, over the next two years, "both foreign and domestic actors will use misinformation and disinformation to widen social and political divisions."

The threat is heightened by major elections in which more than 3 billion people will go to the polls in 2024 and 2025 in the US, Britain and India, the report said.

According to the report, the spread of misinformation and disinformation can lead to civil unrest, but it can also facilitate government-directed censorship, domestic propaganda and control of the free flow of information.

The top ten risks for the next two years are: extreme weather events, social polarization, cyber security, interstate armed conflict, lack of economic opportunities, inflation, involuntary migration, economic downturn and environmental pollution.

Extreme weather events are at the top of the ten-year risk list, followed by critical changes in Earth systems, biodiversity loss and economic collapse, lack of natural resources, misinformation and disinformation, the harmful effects of artificial intelligence technologies, involuntary migration, lack of cyber security, social polarization and environmental pollution.
Zelensky calls for direct military intervention by European nations in Ukraine at the WEF meeting in Davos President Volodymyr Zelenskiy asked the European nations: "how many men and women are your nations willing to send to defend another state, another nation?".
At the World Economic Forum in Davos, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky called for direct military intervention by European nations in Ukraine.

In his special speech, Zelensky said about the Russian-Ukrainian war: "If someone thinks that this is only about us, only about Ukraine, they are fundamentally mistaken."

"The possible directions and even the timeline of new Russian aggression beyond Ukraine are becoming more and more obvious," he continued.

"Let me ask you very frankly: Which European nation today is able to provide an army equal to ours, able to fight, that will hold back Russia?".

"And how many men and women are your nations ready to send to defend another state, another nation?".

"And if Putin is to be fought in the coming years, isn't it better to end him and his war strategy now, while our brave men and women are already doing it?"

Zelenskyi, who appeared in his signature semi-uniform with a sweater bearing Ukraine's national coat of arms, claimed that if other nations supported Ukraine, it would shorten the war.

"Any reduction in pressure on the aggressor [Russia] will prolong the war by years, but any investment in the confidence of the defender [Ukraine] will shorten the war," Zelensky stressed.

"The war will end with a just and stable peace, and I want you to be part of that peace from now on, to bring peace closer," he continued. "And we need you in Ukraine to build, to rebuild, to restore our lives".

"Everyone can be even more successful with Ukraine!"

In his speech, Zelensky struck an aggressive tone towards Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Ukrainian president called his geopolitical enemy a "terrorist" and wished Putin's children and grandchildren no rest in this world or in the afterlife.

In an interview with WEF President Brende Borge following his speech, Zelensky said there would be no forgiveness for Putin.

"He [Putin], his children, and his grandchildren will have no peace of mind either in this world or in the afterlife," the Ukrainian president said.

Klaus Schwab praises Zelenskyi for defending "liberal democracy"

Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the WEF, applauded Zelenskyi for defending the values ​​of "the international system" and "liberal democracy" in the introduction to the Ukrainian president's speech.

"We are deeply grateful to you and the Ukrainian people for defending the values

"In 2020, Ukraine received EU candidate status, and official accession negotiations began just last month," he continued. "There is no doubt that thanks to the policies of you and your government, Ukraine is firmly on the path of European integration."

While Schwab praised Zelenskyi for upholding "liberal democracy," the UN and other organizations sharply criticized the Ukrainian government for targeting the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) with unjustified discrimination, seizing church property and evicting monks from monasteries over alleged conflicts with the Moscow patriarch. because of their relationship, even though the UOC declared its independence from Moscow after the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

In addition, the Chilean-American film director and critic of Zelensky, Gonzalo Líra, was arrested in Ukraine for his reports, for "justifying Russian aggression against Ukraine." Lira recently died in a Ukrainian prison under mysterious circumstances.

Zelenskyi has made a number of questionable personnel decisions, including asking occult artist Marina Abramović to be Ukraine's ambassador, or appointing a gender-confused man as foreign-language spokesman for the Ukrainian military.

Tell Congress to stop the Biden administration from funding the wars in Ukraine and Israel!
Dark Davos: Escort services fully booked at start of WEF Today begins the 54th annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in the small Alpine resort town of Davos. The invitation-only meeting brings together nearly 2,800 leaders from 120 countries to discuss the world's most pressing issues, such as climate change, artificial intelligence and viral outbreaks.

After world leaders, politicians, business leaders, academics, NGOs and religious leaders discuss global problems and try to find "solutions" to the issues plaguing the world, a very dark after-hours scene ensues, as explained earlier:
- Davos ' dark side ' revealed as global elite bookings for sex workers skyrocket ? Well, The New York Post described: "Caviar, magic mushrooms, gold-leaf desserts, A-list selfies, $2,500-a-night whores and secret dinners ." In a separate report, the French newspaper " 20 minutes " sheds even more light on this year's Davos Whore -celebration : However, those who want to book an escort in the Davos area or even in Eastern Switzerland through the appropriate platform called "Titt4Tat" will be disappointed.

Dark Davos: Escort services fully booked at start of WEF

"During the week of the WEF, all local service providers are fully booked," confirms owner B. Konrad. The explanation: People kept to themselves in Davos, their partners mostly stayed at home. In addition, alcohol and parties also contribute to the high demand for his service, according to the co-founder.

"Apart from that, Davos has a lot of customers who are not price sensitive and who value the privacy of our app all the more," explains Konrad. In general, it is less about sex and more about the so-called "girlfriend experience", i.e. the pretense of an intimate relationship.

"Depending on the client, a booking takes between four and twelve hours," said sex worker Mia May, adding that her service costs about 2,000 francs ($2,340).

In addition to the unspeakably dark nights in Davos, the WEF is trying to restore trust. It comes after populist movements swept across the Western world after political and corporate elites mishandled the Covid crisis and imposed failed social and economic policies that sparked outrage among the majority. A symptom of this failure is President Biden's imploding poll numbers.

"We face a fragmented world and growing social divisions, leading to pervasive uncertainty and pessimism. We need to rebuild confidence in our future, go beyond crisis management, examine the root causes of current problems, and build a more promising future together," Klaus wrote. Schwab, founder of the WEF, in a statement.

We doubt the WEF will come close to rebuilding trust as the majority begins to wake up to these virtue-seeking elites arriving in private jets and gas-guzzling motorcades to discuss climate change.
WEF escort Mia May: 12 hours costs 2,000 francs The example of the escort app "Titt4Tat" shows how popular escort services are during the WEF. Some women even find new jobs in Davos.
- The demand for "commercial intimacy" explodes during the WEF.
- The results on the "Titt4Tat" escort application are all sold out.
- Co-founder B. Konrad: "There are many customers in Davos who are not price-sensitive and who value the privacy of our application all the more."
- During the World Economic Forum, the demand for escorts around Davos increases rapidly.

The application "TittforTat" serves as a kind of dating platform for a wide variety of escort offers.
Owner B. Konrad explains the success, and escort Mia May tells about everyday life with the application.

One kind of expected it, but the scale is still surprising: from now on, the global business elite are once again waiting in Davos - and with them hundreds of escorts. According to a study by the International Labor Organization (ILO), a turnover of up to ten million dollars is generated during the WEF.

This is also recognized by the corresponding platform called "Titt4Tat". Brand promise: With "a mix of Tinder and LinkedIn for paid dating", users should be able to view all escorts in and around Davos, or as "T4T" calls it, under the "World Escort Forum" and in a few clicks on their smartphone. contact via platform.

What exactly are escorts?

Escorts are women or men who offer their company for a fixed period of time for a fee. This is usually a form of sex work. Escort agencies often only offer social or entertainment services, while sexual services are provided by the escorts themselves, so they are private in nature.

WEF is all about the "girlfriend experience".

However, those who want to book an escort in the Davos area or even in Eastern Switzerland through "T4T" will be disappointed: "During the week of the WEF, all local service providers are full," confirms owner B. Konrad. The explanation: there are only two people in Davos, the partners usually stay at home. Alcohol and parties also contribute to the high demand for his service, says the co-founder.

"Apart from that, Davos has a lot of customers who are not price sensitive and who value the privacy of our app all the more," explains Konrad. In general, it is less about sex and more about the so-called "girlfriend experience", i.e. the pretense of an intimate relationship.

It's more of a dating app than a catalog

Konrad: "We suspect that many men are unwilling to make a long-term commitment, which leads to casual relationships in which intimacy often takes a back seat." That's why the "T4T" app is more of a dating app than a catalog - for both parties: "The customer already has the first 'yes' when he sees a profile, because it means that he meets the provider's criteria".

The closer relationship also means that escort dates occasionally turn into networking events, especially during WEF. Konrad: "An escort in Germany recently reported that she got a new job as a consultant with a large company through her contacts at WEF."

Have you ever used escort services?
- Yes, but without sexual services.
- Yes, including sexual services.
- No, I've never done that before.
- Not yet, but I'm planning to.
- I just want to see the results of the survey.
25092 votes

Eastern Switzerland is completely boarded

Whether you're looking for a new advisor in Davos or a partner for the night, high demand means you'll have to extend your search to potential mates on T4T as far as St. Gallen or Zurich. Or in Zug. Mia May, for example, would be at home - and still available for possible WEF dates.

The 21-year-old German girl wanted to set foot in the erotic industry immediately after graduation, because it has always interested her. When it reaches 20 minutes, Mia is getting ready for a date. He knows Davos very well as a place to work.

Escort Mia May: savvy clients

"Depending on the client, a booking takes between four and twelve hours," says May. The latter costs about 2,000 Swiss francs. About 200 francs must be paid in advance, the rest on the spot. Whether you spend the night in Davos or fly home immediately after the date depends on the client - and whether they want to stay in the mountains for a while.

May appreciates in "T4T" that the first contact with customers is cultured: "The customers, both in Davos and in other cities, are generally well-educated and the interaction is never unpleasant or annoying." In "T4T", the guests cannot talk to the women. After contacting via WhatsApp, we get to know each other - and finally arrange a meeting.

He's hardly worried about his personal safety: "It's always guaranteed, and any protocol applies in an emergency." Basically, you can say that the level of risk in legal prostitution is no higher than in a hospital emergency room, and significantly lower than in a police or fire department.

The public image of their work is fundamentally flawed. May: "The main reason for this is

Equating victims of human trafficking and forced prostitution with professional, legal erotic service providers is an injustice that May cannot understand: "My clients are all decent, friendly and completely normal people, of all genders." Who they will be during this year's WEF remains to be seen.
Davos escorts elite WEF clients $4,400 a night The summit of the World Economic Forum in Davos is a hub of power and wealth, but it's also a place that offers the allure of discreet escort services to elite clients.
The sale of sex is a legal and regulated profession in Switzerland, which means that the so-called oldest profession in the world is also benefiting from the economic boom that the arrival of the exclusive conference in the Swiss mountain village will stimulate.

In addition, dating apps make it easier than ever for the sex-buying elite to connect with an escort. It's a lucrative business, not only for the attendants, but also for the platforms themselves, which are fully booked by the time of the summit.

However, not all services offered are sexual. Some professional sex workers offer company and modeling for exclusive events.

One available escort from Davos, who goes by the name "austrian_girl", advertised "escort only" and "hostess" services for €800 (CAD 1175) for each booked two hours.

Other escorts, such as "Samantha", don't even advertise a price, instead asking customers to book in advance - and the fee is set based on demand.

However, on average, elite clients pay between €2,000 (CAD 2,937) and €3,000 (CAD 4,405) for a 12-hour night with a call girl.

Davos escorts like "Savannah" know their clients well and advertise themselves as providers of "sophistication", "charm and elegance" for those willing to pay hefty prices.

Booking the 32-year-old Moldovan lover for two days - a quarter of the duration of the summit - would cost €8,000 ($11,747 CAD).

Independent escort and "international companion" Catherine emphasizes that she is the "ideal companion" for gentlemen who demand discretion.

"I guarantee security and confidentiality and expect that in return," writes Catherine.

Just like their future clients, Davos escorts can be considered the elite of their profession. They are often well educated and speak several languages.

One escort makes a point of informing potential clients that she is fluent in "Catalan, English, French, Italian and Spanish".

But what about the customers themselves? Speaking to the French medium 20 Minutes, one of the German escorts, Mia May, says their tendency is not as risky as some might think.

"My clients are all decent, friendly, completely normal people, and they're of all genders," May told the channel.

"Also, the customers, who have a good background, are pleasant and well behaved. They are never disruptive".

However, the services advertised by escort platforms are different. Perversions and fetishes are often the rule rather than the exception.
Alarming Evidence: A Sinister Government Plot to End Us All Today we bring you four shocking examples of how the US federal government is actively using various agencies (CDC, EPA, FDA, and commercial banks) as weapons to literally try to kill (or enslave, if they survive) as many Americans as possible.
Now we see the government transforming itself into a terrorist operation against the very people it once claimed to represent. No one is safe as long as this fascist regime is in power and the government will actively use anything in its control to silence or kill us all.

Read the full details in today's Brighteon Broadcast News, which includes a hard-hitting interview with financial analyst John Williams.
Ursula von der Leyen hopes EU digital services law will solve WEF's biggest problem The main concern of the global business community in the next two years is not conflict or the climate, but disinformation and disinformation, said Ursula von der Leyen. The president of the European Commission said this in a "special speech" on the second day of the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) held in Davos this week. This year's theme of the meeting is "rebuilding trust", which is a dream.

"These risks [disinformation and disinformation] are serious," von der Leyen said, "because they limit our ability to deal with the big global challenges we face. Changes in our climate and geopolitical climate, changes in our demography and technology." You can watch

von der Leyen's "special speech" on the WEF website HERE , and read the transcript published by the WEF HERE , although it is probably not advisable to trust that the WEF described it accurately, completely and/or authentically. The WEF's table of the top risks for the next two years compared to the longer 10-year horizon shows that the WEF believes that in the next few years they will be able to successfully address what they call "misinformation" risks, "misinformation and disinformation" being the dropped from first place to sixth place. We can assume that this will at least mean more censorship from now on. It should be remembered that what the WEF calls "misinformation and disinformation" is "information that does not match their approved narrative".

Ursula von der Leyen hopes EU digital services law will solve WEF's biggest problem
Source: WEF: WEF is not just about journalists, but about journalists, journalists and the media: Ursula von der Leyen's Davos speech in full, World Economic Forum, 16 January 2024,
dated 16 January 2024.

Von der Leyen offered a solution to the risks the WEF is worried about: "This is the time to encourage global cooperation more than ever... I believe it can be done and I believe Europe can and should take the lead in this global response The starting point for this is to take a deeper look at [the WEF's] global risk report to chart a way forward."

The texts in quotation marks below are extracts from von der Leyen's speech. It begins with von der Leyen introducing the WEF's much-touted public-private partnership model. The merging of public and private interests, where the state becomes a business, and the business becomes the state.

"While governments have many of the tools to tackle the big challenges of our time, business has the innovation, technology and talent to deliver the solutions we need to address threats such as climate change or industrial-scale disinformation. Europe is in a unique position to show how this can work..." "

And this is more important than ever as we enter 2024, the biggest election year in history. Democracies around the world are going to the polls, and half the world's population will be affected. This includes the more than 450 million inhabitants of the European Union of 27 democracies..." "

Of course, as in all democracies, our freedom comes with risks. There will always be those who will try to take advantage of our openness, both internally and externally. There will always be attempts to divert us from the right path. For example, with disinformation and misinformation."

Von der Leyen then went on to detail the details of Russia in relation to Ukraine as an example of disinformation and disinformation, which he spoke of as fact. However, according to RT, von der Leyen's "facts" contained outright economic untruths and fresh reports from the Ukrainian frontline - around 2022.

"Let me return to the number one concern of the Global Risk Report: disinformation and misinformation. Dealing with this has been in our focus since the beginning of my mandate. With our digital services law, we defined the responsibility of large internet platforms with regard to the content they promote and distribute," he said.

The Digital Services Act is the most ambitious regulation in the world. "There is no other legislative act in the world that so ambitiously regulates social media, online marketplaces, very large online platforms ("VLOP") and very large online search engines ("VLOSE")," the law's website reads.

Kanekoa The Great recorded some highlights from the All-In podcast discussing what this means in practice.

The All-In Podcast on the European Union's Digital Services Act Censorship Regulation Controlling the Internet
David Friedberg: "The era of the open internet as a decentralized technology platform that benefits individuals and is not monitored and controlled by governments is over. "

Chamath Palihapitiya: "Europe has such a messy history with these things that they try to somehow find this moral high ground and there's just this overreach and this quasi-central planning that never works."

David Sacks: "The problem is its vagueness, which says that social media companies should take down illegal content, but doesn't say what illegal content is. It gives the right to define to this group of Eurocrats."

David Friedberg: "The Digital Services Act is one of the biggest threats to the open, transparent and democratic possibilities of the Internet...

"It gives the EU government the legal right to go into my computer, take information from it, examine it, and make decisions report on what I'm doing and whether I'm meeting the performance standards set by their committee that day.

"It's about as 1984 as it gets. It's a very serious threat, and I don't think people realize the secondary and tertiary effects it will have over time on the quality of services and experiences on the Internet." he added.
The UN Secretary General calls for a new multipolar global governance at the 2024 Davos summit At the meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF), the Secretary-General of the United Nations (UN) called for "global governance" in "a new, multipolar world order".

In a special speech, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said he is "confident that we can build a new multipolar global order that offers new opportunities for leadership and balance and justice in national relations."

"However, multipolarity creates complexity," he continued. "Left alone, it can deepen the frontlines between North and South, East and West, developed and developing economies, within the G20, and between the G20 and everyone else."

"And the only way to manage this complexity and avoid a slide into chaos is through a reformed, inclusive, networked multilateralism."

"This requires strong multilateral institutions and frameworks and effective mechanisms of global governance."

READ: UN Secretary-General urges "biting" global governance

"Without these, further fragmentation is inevitable and the consequences are clear," Guterres declared.

"We're seeing an epidemic of impunity around the world. We're seeing some countries do whatever it takes to advance their own interests, from Russia's invasion of Ukraine, to Sudan, and more recently, Gaza."

Guterres lamented that "the parties involved in the conflict ignore international law, trample on the Geneva Conventions, and even violate the UN Charter."

Addressing the role of governments and private companies in the regulation of artificial intelligence, he urged a "networked and adaptive governance model" in which the UN "plays a central, convening role".

"The private sector is a leader in AI expertise and resources, and we need the full participation of the private sector in our multi-stakeholder efforts to develop a governance model that is networked and adaptive," he said.

"I believe the UN should play a central, convening role. The AI ​​Advisory Board I created has already made preliminary recommendations for AI governance that accommodate the benefits of this incredible new technology while mitigating its risks." - He told.

Atheist homosexual WEF adviser fears Trump's re-election will deal a "death blow" to the "global order".
WHO appoints transgender activists to children's health care regulatory body The WHO's decision to allow this facility to be occupied by transgender activists ignores recent findings on so-called "gender-affirming care," which includes facilitating the provision of sterilizing hormone treatments and mutilation surgery to children.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has given transgender activists a majority on a global health body tasked with setting global guidelines for the treatment of children.

The group, known as the GDG, or "Guideline Development Group," was tasked with developing global guidelines for so-called "gender-affirming care."

Stella O'Malley, a psychotherapist and executive director of the gender group Genspect, says the board is likely to push an agenda that excludes scientific and expert advice.

"[They] will define the care guidelines for trans people, yet there will be no one to represent the critical balance on the board," he added, according to a January 9 report in the British newspaper Daily Mail.

"The WHO assumes a gender-affirming approach is the only way, thereby rejecting traditional psychotherapy."

One of the panelists is Florence Ashley, a man who identifies as a woman. Canadian law professor Ashley believes that prescribing "puberty blockers" - i.e. hormones that permanently sterilize children - should be the "default option" in the treatment of all those who "identify" as trans.

The Canadian lawyer, who sports a "be gay - commit crimes" tattoo, is the author of a study that calls for access to sterilizing hormones in children under 12, citing the benefits of the "prepubescent transition".

Transgender bias

Critics have rounded on the selection of board members, some of whom support allowing so-called "gender confirmation" treatments for children as young as 13. Half of the board has no medical training. As O'Malley points out, "The WHO board is mostly made up of social justice and human rights lawyers who believe that a gender-affirming approach is the only option."

"This is a narrow-minded and highly biased approach," O'Malley continued. "The WHO is making a serious mistake; they should pause this process and consult with the many experts who take a different approach."

There is no evidence that this is "care".

The WHO's decision to allow this facility to be occupied by trans activists ignores recent findings on so-called gender-affirming care - a term used by such activists to promote "self-identification" that includes sterilizing hormone treatments and mutilating children. simplified care of surgeries.

However, according to recent findings, this approach is neither caring nor affirming - and instead results in the normalization of a policy that is widely harmful. The bias found in the selection of these panel members is significant because it reflects the same intentional bias found in the promotion of the treatments they endorse.

READ: Gender dysphoria diagnoses to increase in 49 of 50 states between 2018 and 2022

European research debunks the idea that "gender affirming care" reduces harm to children. Starting with a 2018 study in Finland that found that "the vast majority of children with gender dysphoria — about 80 percent — resolve their dysphoria on their own if they are allowed to go through natural puberty."

This investigation resulted in a national study, and the Finnish COHERE initiative concluded in 2020 that all "sex care" should be postponed until adulthood.

'Experimentation' on children

This document released by Finland's National Health Authority led to a review of 'gender confirmation care' in the UK and the Netherlands - as there was no evidence to support the alleged benefits of 'experimentation' on children. The report concluded:

In light of the available evidence, the gender reassignment of minors is an experimental practice.

As I reported for LifeSiteNews in June 2023, the UK's review of this pilot practice was prompted by the lack of evidence in favor of "gender-affirming care", which instead results in lifelong harm.

The move was strongly criticized by officials and experts in the field.

Ideological captivity

The WHO's decision to endorse harming children as a public health policy stems from an "ideological captivity", as one British critic puts it - which magnifies the influence of activists over the evidence of medical and mental health professionals.

Independent journalist James Esses, who documents the ideological captivity of society and its institutions, sent a letter of protest to the WHO. The letter was written by Thoughtful Therapists - a UK-based group which is "a group of counsellors, clinical psychologists and psychotherapists from the UK and Ireland who share a common concern about the impact of gender identity ideology on children and young people."

Their work began by organizing against the "hijacking of British professional advisory boards by an unaccountable activist network".

This group of mental health professionals is united in their opposition to the goals of activists on the WHO panel to normalize uncontrolled access to hormones and surgery for children as young as 13.

The UN's own leading expert on violence against women and girls joined them in opposing the new WHO panel - called the Gender Guideline Group.

READ: UK data protection agency tries to check what staff think of their 'transgender' colleagues

Reem Alsalem says the WHO is putting women's "dignity, safety and protection" at risk by backing a so-called "self-identification" policy backed by the GDG panel.

One aspect of the group's strong ideological bias, she claims, is that it advocates a legal right for children and men to simply "identify" as female.

"The majority of the Guideline Development Group (GDG) clearly have strong, one-sided views in favor of legal recognition of hormonal gender transition and self-determined gender.

Following the GDG's outcry, the Society for Evidence Based Gender Medicine reported WHO renounced the group's role in issuing guidelines to support children's "transitions." With one member out, the WHO is changing course under public pressure.

Responding to public outrage, the WHO clarified that the panel would not make recommendations for children and adolescents - citing "limited evidence on the long-term outcomes of positive care for young people".

An Anti-Human Agenda

The transgender phenomenon has been described by investigative journalist Jennifer Bilek as an industry bent on destroying human nature.

"The gender industry is not a tool of a culture war. It is a war against humanity."

According to his analysis, the appearance of what he calls "synthetic sexual identities" is not an aspect of the so-called "culture wars" - and cannot be countered with debate.

According to his own extensive research, it is a multi-billion dollar industry backed by powerful billionaires such as the Pritzkers in the US and Sirius radio CEO "Martine" Rothblatt.

Rothblatt has created a "trance religion" that claims "technology is God." The technology here is what gives people like him the power to recreate life in the image of their own imagination.

Bilek warns that the movement aims to "transcend" humanity - by destroying its natural foundations in fusion with technology. What follows is "rights" - for algorithms - and a blurring of the distinction between humanity and machines.

"Gender rights" are artificial intelligence rights in the making, which is why we refer to ourselves as biological male and female," he continued. "

For now, there are only biological people."

Bilek describes the transgender phenomenon as a "psyop"—a psychological operation designed to deceiving the populace.

In this case, the purpose of the "psy-op" is to promote acceptance of the fusion of man and technology that WEF favorite Yuval Noah Harari has so often promoted. Bilek warns:

There is no greater PsyOp ever perpetrated against humanity, like the idea that there is no gender boundary between the males and females of our species.

He sees this project as a form of 'grooming' - the preparation for exploitation with a sexual dimension - and is aimed directly at children.

"We are being looked after - specifically for generations to come."

READ: American Academy of Pediatrics article calls ban on trans children's "care" "medical neglect," "emotional abuse"

Campaigns against WHO's move continue, and petition organized for advisory board's meeting with "gender" activists against uploading. The petition, which you can find below, demands that the WHO cancel the panel's first meeting, scheduled for February 2, and "go back to the drawing board."
A shaman performs a pagan ritual over the leaders of the World Economic Forum at the Davos summit The woman, who introduced herself as Chief Putanny from the Yawanawá tribe in the Amazon, did not reveal the meaning of the "prayer" and "blessing" she performed over the world's most influential leaders.
An Amazonian shaman performed a pagan ritual over a panel on Wednesday after members discussed "Climate and Nature" at the World Economic Forum (WEF) 2024 meeting in Davos, Switzerland.

After a discussion on how to "enable a net-zero, nature-positive" future, a woman from the Amazonian Yawanawá tribe, who introduced herself as Chief Putanny, gave a short speech asking for help to "heal the planet." He introduced himself as representing "the voice of nature" and "the voice of the forest" and concluded his speech: "If we all unite in our hearts and minds, Mother Earth will listen to us."

He then began what appeared to be a pagan ritual "blessing", rubbing his hands together and saying a "prayer" before blowing air on the heads of each participant.

The panelists and Chief Putanny then held hands amid applause from the audience and a standing ovation from some, most notably Al Gore, former US Vice President and climate activist.

It was only relatively recently, in 2005, that women were allowed to take part in Yawanawá spiritual leaders, i.e. shamanic initiation. According to Vivejar, an online information source about Brazil, the tribe believes that "shamans are the keepers of the tribe's knowledge, from medicine to the arts, and learn magical secrets from the spirits."

Another website dedicated to the Yawanawá acknowledges that "shamanic power is ambivalent, as it allows both the ability to heal and cause disease" and that "among the Yawanawá, accusations of sorcery and poisoning are intergroup and intragroup also occurs internally, which causes periodic social tensions that can lead to ruptures".

There is relatively little publicly available information on the spirituality of the Yawanawá, and it describes religious rituals rather than the spiritual beliefs underlying these rituals. For example, several sources indicate that during certain healing ceremonies Yawanawa shamans consume Ayahuasca, a psychoactive concoction often used in spiritual practices in the Amazon region.

In their 2004 work "The Anthropology of Assault Sorcery and Witchcraft in Amazonia", Neil L. Whitehead and Robin Wright point out that "... given the self-enhancing motivations that have led so many to popular interpretations of shamanism, Amazonian shamanism has two its defining aspect - blood (i.e. violence) and tobacco - has simply been erased from such depictions."

The authors use numerous anecdotes to demonstrate that shamanism has traditionally been used to inflict death and suffering on enemies as well as healing. They go so far as to claim that "the ritual practices of the healers are closely related to the attacks of the shamanic killers and cannot be understood independently of them."

The WEF does not officially endorse a particular religion or spirituality, but at its annual meetings it hosts "ecumenical" panels with participants from different faiths.

Last year, a WEF speaker revealed during a panel discussion on "Keeping the Faith" that he had been told not to use the words "God", "faith" and "religion" in his presentation.

Among the participants in this year's "Climate and Nature" debate were International Monetary Fund Executive Director Kristalina Georgieva, atmospheric researcher Katharine Hayhoe, Ingka Group CEO Jesper Brodin, Vice President of the pharmaceutical company Roche Holding André Hoffmann and Ajay Banga, President of the World Bank Group.
Pope Francis praises Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum in his message to the 2024 Davos Summit In his message, Pope Francis did not mention Christ, Catholicism or the role of the church, but instead highlighted the role of the World Economic Forum in the future of the world and "in the process of globalization".
Pope Francis has sent a message of praise to the World Economic Forum and its founder, Klaus Schwab, writing that the group's annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, is an "important opportunity" in the broader attempt to "find innovative and effective ways to build a better world."

"So I hope that the participants of this year's forum will keep in mind the moral responsibility that falls on all of us in the fight against poverty, in achieving integral development for all our brothers and sisters, and in striving for peaceful coexistence between peoples," Ferenc wrote.

His words came as part of a message to the World Economic Forum's annual meeting, addressed to Klaus Schwab, the founder of the WEF and a key globalist. The annual meeting of the WEF will be held as usual in the Swiss ski resort of Davos between January 15 and 19.

In his message, Francis did not mention Christ, Catholicism or the role of the Catholic Church, but instead emphasized the role of the WEF in the global future.

READ: The World Economic Forum considers "disinformation" and "climate change" to be the most serious threats for 2024!

He spoke of the suffering caused by wars and the need to address the "injustices that are the root causes of conflict." Among such injustices, Francis mentioned "starvation," the "exploitation of natural resources," and the "exploitation" of people "forced to work for low wages."

In addition, he mentioned the "basically moral" aspect of the "globalization process" currently taking place, which is aimed at "shaping the future of the international community". Ferenc stated:

The process of globalization, which has now clearly shown the interdependence of the nations and peoples of the world, therefore has a fundamentally moral dimension, which must manifest itself in the economic, cultural, political and religious debates aimed at shaping the future of the international community.

Pope Francis, while not promoting faith or religion as the answer to society's current crises, called on nations and businesses to support "far-reaching and ethically grounded models of globalization." This work would put "power" "at the service of the common good of our human family, giving priority to the poor, the needy and the most vulnerable," he said.

Encouraging businesses to practice "high ethical standards", Ferenc also appealed to nations to play a new role in international political development: "At the same time, there is an obvious need for international political action that can effectively pursue the goals of global peace and authentic development by adopting coordinated measures ".

This international effort would include "control" of aspects of the financial sphere, he wrote, drawing on themes from Schwab's own "Great Reboot" program: It is

particularly important that intergovernmental structures are able to effectively exercise their control and management functions in the economic sector, as the achievement of the public good a goal that cannot be achieved by individual states, even those that are dominant in terms of power, wealth, and political power.

International organizations are also challenged to ensure the realization of equality, which is the basis of the right for everyone to participate in the process of full development, while respecting legitimate differences.

The Pope's speech was sharply criticized by the former American Nuncio, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, who wrote that "Bergoglio specifically supports the globalist coup and actively collaborates in the creation of the New World Order. What more is needed to understand that Leo XIII's words have come true" .

Pope Francis conspicuously did not mention abortion in the list of current social crises in the WEF letter. However, as LifeSiteNews has reported in detail, the WEF meetings highlighted "access to abortion" as a key issue.

READ: Club of Rome's anti-growth plan calls for global socialism and accelerated population collapse

At a meeting last year, a moderator also talked about the WEF's "women's health initiative," a project of the globalist organization that also pushes abortion and contraception as "reproductive health "under the guise of Among other things, the aim of the initiative is to reduce "unwanted and unsafe pregnancies".

However, the Pope's avoidance of outright condemnation of such moral evils promoted by the WEF is less surprising given his long association with the globalist organization. The Vatican maintains a close, if little known, relationship with the WEF.

Pope Francis signaled his intimate relationship with WEF's Klaus Schwab by sending a speech to the WEF five times during his ten-year pontificate and allowing the annual Vatican-based conference to hold an annual Vatican roundtable discussion.

READ: Vatican news portal highlights Pope's long-standing relationship with Klaus Schwab

In a 2021 interview with Vatican News, the local parish priest of Davos, Father Kurt Susak, revealed that Francis was personally invited by Schwab to the 50th anniversary of the event, although Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin went instead of the Pope.

"I had to be really positively surprised by how much interest there is in the church at the WEF, for example there is a meeting called 'Vatican meets WEF', and there I saw a lot of interest from all over the world," Susak said in 2021.

Indeed, Pope Francis' actions and public interests closely align with Schwab and the globalist elite and the WEF. Back in December 2020, Ferenc used the phrase "Build back better" as a synonym for globalist policies. That phrase was the name of Joe Biden's post-election website (BuildBackBetter.gov), on which he claimed to "restore America's leadership."

Soon after, Francis joined the world's corporations in promoting a new "economic system" of capitalism that is in line with the Sustainable Development Goals, despite their links to abortion, and his own call for a simple, austere lifestyle.

READ: Pope Francis joins forces with UN to educate world on sustainable lifestyles, gender equality and global citizenship

This was followed by a partnership between the Vatican and the UN, in which the Pope again showed his globalist leanings when he called "sustainable lifestyles ", promoted education about "gender equality" and "global citizenship", but avoided any mention of the Catholic faith.

Then, in his 2021 speech to the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, Ferenc repeated the sentiments expressed by Schwab. Schwab's proposed anti-Catholic "Great Reboot" is based on a supposedly "green" financial agenda, the "repeal of fossil fuel subsidies" and a new financial system based on "investments" that promote "equity and sustainability" and "green urban infrastructure " is based on the construction of

Indeed, at the postponed meeting in Davos until 2022, a Vatican official stated that the Catholic Church was "committed to the various issues discussed at the forum" and cited Pope Francis' Laudato Si' and Fratelli Tutti as examples of the Catholic Church's commitment to certain aspects. adheres to the globalist agenda.

READ: Church to implement World Economic Forum agenda, says Vatican official in Davos
We already know: according to Dr. Tedros, the head of the WHO, the new global pandemic at the 2024 Davos summit is not a matter of if, but when At the World Economic Forum's "Preparing for Disease X" event, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the head of the WHO, said that the appearance of a new, unknown disease is a matter of "when, not if." The Secretary-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) has indicated that a new "Disease X" pandemic is certain to occur.

At the World Economic Forum (WEF) event "Preparing for Disease X", Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the head of the WHO, said that "the only question is when, not if" a new, unknown disease.

"Disease X is a placeholder for unknown diseases," Ghebreyesus explained. "I just wanted to clarify this because there has already been a lot of attention."

"Even though COVID came right away, we were prepared for COVID-like diseases. We could even call COVID the first 'X-disease'."

"And it might happen again."

"Of course there are those who think it will cause panic," he continued. "No! It's better to anticipate something that might happen because it has happened many times in our history and prepare for it."

"We shouldn't face things unprepared, we can also prepare for some unknown things," said Ghebreyesus.

According to the description on the WEF's website, "Disease X" "may claim twenty times more deaths than the coronavirus pandemic."

According to a Sky News report in August 2023, UK scientists in a secret government laboratory are already developing vaccines for a possible future pandemic caused by an unknown "Disease X". If the mysterious "disease X" breaks out, the plan is to develop a vaccine within 100 days, according to the head of the UK's Health Safety Agency.

READ: British scientists prepare for 'next pandemic' by developing vaccine against unknown 'Disease X'

WHO chief uses 'Disease X' to push for totalitarian anti-pandemic treaty.
As some critics had already predicted, Ghebreyesus used the fear surrounding the suspected "Disease X" to push through the WHO's "pandemic treaty," which threatens to strip nations of their sovereignty and give the WHO unprecedented powers in the event of a pandemic.

READ: Congress examines WHO reform, addresses sovereignty concerns over pandemic treaty

At a WEF panel, the WHO chief said "the key to better preparedness for Disease X is a pandemic agreement."

"The pandemic agreement can bring together all the experiences, all the challenges we have faced, and all the solutions," he continued. "This agreement can help us be better prepared for the future, because we are dealing with a common enemy here, and without a common response based on preparedness, we will face the same problem as with COVID."

"The deadline for the pandemic agreement is May 2024, and the member states are negotiating. This is going on between countries, and I hope that they will have a pandemic agreement by then."

"If this generation can't do it... We are the lived community, we have first-hand experience," declared Ghebreyesus.

"I don't think the next generation is going to do it, so for the sake of our children and grandchildren, I think we need to translate all the lessons we've learned into this pandemic [deal] and prepare the world for the future because it's a common global interest, and very narrow national interests cannot stand in its way."
Trump's victory in 2024 could be a death blow for globalism! One of Klaus Schwab's transhumanist and transgender advisers, one of Barack Obama's old favorites and one of the most notorious theorists of globalization, Yuval Harari, expressed his fear about Donald Trump's upcoming new mandate. The same person believes that man is not even a creation of God, but a "animal" that can be hacked in a similar way to computer programs, is stupid and can be controlled, which has overgrown on Earth, therefore the superior people, who obviously row in the same boat as Harari, have that as their sacred mission , to eliminate these "human-parasites that feed unnecessarily" from the world.
In an interview with Britain's Steve Bartlett, Harari appeared to acknowledge the unpopularity of the New World Order promoted by the globalists.

When the filmmaker asked him, "Are you worried that Trump might be re-elected in a short period of time?", he replied, "I think it's very likely (that he will be elected)."

And he added:
"...and if that happens, it will probably be a death blow to what's left of the New World Order...and Trump is openly saying that."

Harari tried to justify the idea that there is no incompatibility between patriotism and globalism, accusing Trump of trying to create a rift between the people and the globalist mafia, as he put it:

"It should be clear that many of the politicians are creating a false dichotomy, they present a false binary worldview, as if you have to choose between patriotism and globalism, between being loyal to your country and being loyal to a world government."

VIDEO: You can watch Harari's full interview in English below, in which he warns of more wars, among other things.
Org*sm-gate: The world reacts to the X-porn book of Pope Francis' right-hand man, Cardinal Fernández The whole world is reacting to the dark influence behind the recently discovered X-rated book, written by Pope Francis' right-hand man, Cardinal Victor Fernández, the designer of the Fiducia Supplicans - the document allowing the blessing of same-sex "couples". The LGBT agenda within Pope Francis' shadow church is being exposed on all fronts - and powerful prelates like Cardinal Robert Sarah and Archbishop Carlos Maria Vigano are fighting back. In fact, Cardinal Sarah strongly rejected Cardinal Fernández's LGBT agenda - even citing its obvious "heresy".
The German Catholic daycare center abandons the plan for the masturbation room after intense criticism The Archdiocese of Cologne insisted that there is no room in Szent Rokus "where children can retreat to physical experiences", but "in the old concept of the Szent Rokus institution, there were wordings that could be misinterpreted".
A Catholic kindergarten in Germany has designed a masturbation room where children can "physically satisfy themselves."

The German newspaper Bild recently published details of the extremely controversial educational concept of the St. Rochus day care center in Kerpen.

According to the sex education concept, individual children can "retreat to a protected space according to their needs to explore and satisfy themselves physically (this is not allowed in a public place and in the presence of others)."

The concept further states that "when a young child plays with his genitals and touches them with obvious pleasure, he knows nothing about social taboos, about what is not 'appropriate', let alone what he does is considered indecent or dirty." She explores and explores her body and likes to hang out where she feels especially good."

The case of the Kerpen nursery school first became public when the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party exposed several nurseries in which highly sexualized "educational concepts" were used in the fall of 2023.

After the concept was heavily criticized, it was removed from the preschool's website and has since been "under review."

A spokesman for the city of Kerpen, who visited and inspected the St. Rók's kindergarten, told Bild that the concept "could have been misinterpreted."

"For this reason, we removed the concept from the internet in November 2023 and it has been under review since then," the spokesperson added.

In response to Bild's question, the Cologne archdiocese explained that there is no room in St. Rokus "where children can retreat to physical experiences." However, "the old concept of the St. Rochus facility had wording that could be misinterpreted."

Pro-family organization condemns nurseries for endangering children
The German pro-family organization "Demo für Alle" condemned the concept because it sexualizes young children and "sexualized children can more easily become victims of pedophiles."

"The daycare concept contains some horrors: 'Medical toys' and 'free testing of their childhood sexuality' are planned for the children," Demo für Alle wrote in its statement.

The concept further states that children develop their "sexual identity" at 18 months of age, and that from the age of six they "frequently use sexualized language."

"Instead of protecting children from this, such a concept also promotes the sexualization of the smallest!" noted Demo für Alle. "This is extremely dangerous in many ways; in particular, sexualized children can become victims of pedosexuals all the more easily."

"The root of the evil lies in the unproven and dangerous basic thesis of the nursery school concept that children are 'sexual beings from birth.' He operated a pedophile crime syndicate and sexually abused children himself."

READ: German documentary exposes state-funded network that allows pedophiles to "take care" of boys

"So it is not enough to simply revise such a nursery school concept. It is unnecessary, harmful and must be completely abolished. After all, sex education concepts NRW in [North Rhine-Westphalia] are volunteers, in contrast to defense concepts," Demo für Alle concluded.

WHO supports 'early childhood masturbation'

The idea of ​​'masturbation rooms' and other perverse 'sex education' concepts for very young children is not limited to some German kindergartens

. advise educators to teach babies and toddlers about “early childhood masturbation.”

READ: World Health Organization advises birth sex education and “early childhood masturbation” since 2010

The scandalous guidelines further state:

- The four -six-year-olds should "solidify their gender identity" and learn about same-sex relationships.?-Six-
to nine-year-olds should be taught about "sex in the media (including the internet)".?
-Nine and nine-year-olds For 12-year-olds, the WHO advises educators to allow children to "make informed decisions about whether or not to have sexual experiences", wrongly suggesting that children at such a young age are capable of consenting to sex.?

The controversial document was originally published in 2010 but gained media attention in May 2023 after Welsh Tory shadow education minister Laura Anne Jones called on the WHO to "immediately withdraw the advice", adding that the Welsh Government "must distance itself from " from the "blatantly confusing" WHO guidelines.
Bill Gates, is that it?  He is the one? A new SAGE article raises interesting questions about why Weinstein got out, why Bobby Jr. wasn't taken seriously: "If Bret Weinstein is concerned." Global "Goliath" & WHO'S tyranny, so why not just say BILL GATES? Why did Weinstein pull out when RFK said Gates & Anthony Fauci were FAKED PANDEMICS? Why don't you pick up the ball and run? Afraid?

'If Bret Weinstein is worried about the global "Goliath" and the tyranny of the WHO, why doesn't he just say BILL GATES?
Why did Weinstein pull out when RFK said Gates and Anthony Fauci FAKED PANDEMICS? Attention: Tucker Carlson, the wrinkly-browed talking head gracing the PLANET's biggest platform, pick up the ball and run!

Dear Evergreen Dissident Dream Team Warrior Buddy!

You had a great opportunity in 2021... when you were the tyrant advocating locking people in their homes straight out of Operation Rockefeller's Lockstep... to dig into the Global Goliath.

In August 2022, Bret Weinstein doubled down on support for "intensive lockdowns" and accelerated testing to combat the dangerous new coronavirus. Straight out of Operation Rockefeller Lockstep.
In August 2022, Bret Weinstein doubled down on "intensive lockdowns" and increased testing to combat the dangerous new coronavirus. Straight out of Rockefeller's Lockstep operation.

Read Full Article

Bobby Kennedy, Jr. provided direct information to begin tracking Global GOLIATH.

You could have started with Bill Gates, who Bobby told you was in cahoots with Anthony Fauci and Jeremy Farrar of the Wellcome Trust to repeatedly create FAKE PANDEMICS.

"WHO" and "Pharma" appear to be obscure, large, malevolent organizations.

Let's follow the money and do classic journalism, as Naomi Wolf says.

Bill Gates, is that it?  He is the one?

This looks like the Goliath of worry.

This seems like a tyrannical version of concern.

Look, I don't know those numbers, but maybe Gates could give a transparent accounting of all his support to WHO, Gavi, Event 201 and the rest.

Who does #2 work for? Who does #2 work for?


Bill Gates, is that it?  He is the one?

You know, to get to the GLOBAL GOLIATH.

Bill Gates, is that it?  He is the one?

Bill Gates, is that it?  He is the one?

And yet, strangely enough, when Bobby Kennedy gave you, Totally Unprepared Thought Leader Bret Weinstein, the opportunity to look inside the LAWS of the real GOLIATH, you, Evergreen Boy, crapped your pants and botched the interview like a little kid in the uncomfortable homework to the back of the desk.

Look, I'm just a CIA AI Construct Female Impersonator paid DOD Troll, but even I'm smart enough to look up TYRANNIA's ORG Chart.

Fly like the wind, Justice Warrior Nebih Evergreen Boy and your furrowed brow, fearless, lucky little reporter friend, Tucker.
Fly like the wind.
John Kerry still doesn't want to talk about China US climate hawk John Kerry is one of the global elite gathered in Davos this week for the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum. He has plenty of suggestions for how people should live their lives in the West, but he doesn't want to talk about China and its industrialization. True North's Andrew Lawton caught up with him in Davos and tried to get some answers. As an aside, Kerry claimed to have given up flying on private jets - but only since committing to climate action.
Freedom is a threat to our democracy Should academic freedom of speech be replaced by "justice"? Are the elections a threat to our democracy? Some say yes!
The author of the above paper, Sandra Korn, explains that we must abandon academic freedom in favor of academic justice:

Instead, I would like to propose a stricter standard: the standard of "academic justice." If an academic community experiences research that supports or justifies oppression, it must ensure that such research does not continue.

Sandra Korn did not achieve outstanding results after graduating from Harvard.

However, his idea took on an independent life. For some, for example, it is not enough that two-thirds of teenagers agree with them.

Someone with a more optimistic mindset might be happy that Two-Thirds of teenagers don't think climate change is exaggerated. Instead, the author smacks of the one-third of teenagers who have doubts and concerns about an important issue they face.

The proposed solution is to stop spreading climate denial on the platform. The definition of climate denial is constantly changing and expanding.

Today, even content that agrees with global warming but questions specific climate solutions is considered harmful misinformation. CCDH's Imran Ahmed explains:

In this report, researchers at the Center for Countering Digital Hate have quantified for the first time the startling and significant growth of what we call the "new denial" over the past five years - from denial of anthropogenic climate change to opposition to climate science and scientists to attacks and rhetoric to undermine confidence in solutions to climate change. "New denial" claims now account for 70% of all climate denial claims posted on YouTube, up from 35% six years ago.

Elections Are a Threat

You may recall that Adam Grant, a contributor to the WEF agenda and an advisor to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, concluded that elections are bad for our democracy.

Are we sorry to doubt the official stories, to believe in free speech, or to question anything that doesn't make sense to us? Are we dangerous to ourselves?

Should we be grateful to maximalist ideologues who demand total obedience and refuse even an iota of questioning?
The World Economic Forum represents the greatest threat to humanity Representatives of governments and international organizations, billionaires, entrepreneurs, academics, non-governmental organizations and representatives of the press decided on our future again in recent days in Davos, Switzerland, whether we like it or not. Some of them are the self-appointed, unelected leaders of the world, who wield enormous influence over almost every nation, and there are still far too many who don't even know they exist, let alone have bowed to their agenda and demands in the last few years. .

It seems that we "conspiracy theorists" who speak out against the global coup are the enemies of the people, and we are also the enemies of the Davos members and especially Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum because we think differently.

Our warnings are called "misinformation and disinformation" by the WEF et al, and according to their latest risk report, we are now the number one threat to humanity and the cause of global polarization.

Unbelievably, for the 54th annual meeting in Davos, which began on January 15, the WEF chose the motto "Rebuilding Trust" with the aim of discussing "the principles of trust" - transparency, coherence and responsibility. "Principles" that they obviously can never follow.

Economist Martin Armstrong writes: "Klaus Schwab is a notorious control freak. He applies this trait to the entire world. The World Economic Forum, which he chairs, has released its 2024 'Global Risks Report', in which he has now declared that the NUMBER ONE threat to humanity is no longer the war and Russia's invasion of a pretend sovereign state, terrorism, or even disease after insisting that the entire world should be vaccinated in the latest fake pandemic."

Armstrong, a self-taught economic forecaster, continues in the following article:

The World Economic Forum is the greatest threat to humanity.

Martin Armstrong at Armstrong Economics.

The World Economic Forum represents the greatest threat to humanity

Schwab has now even downgraded his former number ONE threat to humanity and climate change to number TWO to promote his one world government with the head of the UN at the helm, eliminating democracy and all voting rights for the people.

No, the number ONE threat to humanity right now is if anyone disagrees with this WEF agenda, which he now describes as "misinformation and disinformation". This misinformation and disinformation is what polarizes society. As they write in their report:

"Emerging as the most serious global risk
over the next two years, both foreign and domestic
actors will exploit disinformation and disinformation
to further widen social and
political divisions."

Of course, this means that humanity's only hope from now on is CENSORSHIP and the end of free speech. The report shows how step by step we are losing all our freedoms. As the WEF report states:

"Persistently false information (deliberate or otherwise) is widely disseminated through media networks, leading to a significant public distrust of facts and authority. These include, but are not limited to: false, falsified, manipulated and falsified content".

Download WEF Report


Meanwhile, the US Census Bureau is seeking to expand personal data on all people and their assets through the mandatory American Community Survey (ACS). They tried to extend the questions to include sexual orientation, gender identity, and the mental health of people living in individual households, in addition to all kinds of disabilities. Many see this as yet another attack on our personal freedom and privacy, that these additional questions are an intimidation tactic to compel people to respond by forcing speech, which violates the First Amendment and violates the Fourth Amendment right to privacy against government intrusion.

Add to that the elimination of paper money and forcing it on society with these central bank digital currencies that cannot be voted on whether the people want it or not. Governments will introduce total control, all because the 13th Amendment was passed in 1913, which allowed for direct taxation, which the Founding Fathers prohibited. It has now progressed to the point where they are desperate to know everything about everyone, and if we found a $10 bill in the parking lot and didn't notify them, that's 50%.

The World Economic Forum represents the greatest threat to humanity
LaGarde - Digital Current

The former WEF board member, then the head of the IMF, and now the head of the European Central Bank, admits that there will be control over CBDCs. As early as 2021, I reported that the Bank of England proposed that digital currency should be programmable. A mother should be able to prevent her child from spending money on candy. If Mom can do it, Big Brother can do it in a big way.

Anyone who has read Marx can feel the hatred between the lines for everyone who had more than he did. It never understands humanity, and once the human quality of curiosity is removed, all development ceases. This is what brought down communism. This was perhaps best illustrated by Nixon's famous kitchen debate with Khrushchev, which showed that the American standard of living can only rise thanks to private innovation.

In 1980, I was one of the three largest players in the gold market. The IRS walked into my business and arbitrarily declared me a bank. They said that since gold is money under the constitution, I am a bank and the fine will be $50,000 per transaction of $10,000 or more. I asked if they just wanted the keys to my shop. They said no; they realized I didn't know I was a bank. They came in and started checking every transaction. I've seen names pulled from as low as $3,000. When I asked, I thought it was $10,000 and up; they said if I don't want trouble, "shut up!" The next day they came with trucks and took all my records. I submitted money on my tax return in 1980, guessing how much I probably earned because I had no records. When I said I couldn't file my income tax, I was told that my 3000+ clients were being audited and it was a priority. When I finally got my records back, I was fined $500,000 in late fees. When I protested they said I never asked if my bill could come into their office.

I withdrew from the business. I didn't want to be harassed every year, and the risk was too great once I was completely arbitrarily declared a bank. According to the Constitution, which prohibits direct taxation, this could not have happened in ANY case. They are constantly expanding their needs and power. One year I received a refund check from the IRS for about $100,000. I paid. A year later they charged interest and penalties because I should have known it was their fault. They can never be held accountable for their mistakes. If you call the IRS and whatever they tell you and you follow through, if it was a mistake, it's still your fault and you have to pay interest and penalties.

The income tax will destroy Western society just as direct control killed Communism. That's what 2032 is about. A friend of mine who grew up in East Germany thought his father had gone crazy after the Berlin Wall came down in 1989. His father received his Stasi file and learned that everyone he thought was his friend was labeling him as the government. He came home and started punching holes in the wall and pulling out hidden microphones. He refused to speak to anyone outside of his immediate family until his death.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel that gives hope. Yes, the next eight years will be chaotic - sorry. But EVERY GOVERNMENT often fails because of its own corruption - suicide. The more draconian they become in their desperation to hold on to power, the more likely it will all come crashing down.

The World Economic Forum represents the greatest threat to humanity

What is happening in Europe is a direct consequence of Marxism, as it also includes the complete control of society in all aspects, with regulations. When these idiots imposed sanctions on Russia, they didn't think they were cutting off not only their own economic growth. Still, the world economy would be permanently divided between the USA vs. Between THEM.

The World Economic Forum represents the greatest threat to humanity

Not only did the sanction backfire, especially on Germany, but then they embraced Ukraine, the world's most corrupt government, and then stood idly by as the neocons ordered the Ukrainians to blow up the Nord Stream. Oh, how they wanted to bring Russia to its knees. The problem was that they brought Germany and Europe to their knees. The German government went into recession and lost almost 20 billion euros in revenue, then, listening to the WEF, they went full steam ahead on climate change. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz called the farmers extremists, sparking widespread discontent. Again, due to sanctions against Russia, the government was preparing to cut fuel subsidies to farmers, all because of Germany's support for Ukraine.

Those in government are career politicians, so they will always see the world through their own interests. As long as there are career politicians, there will never be a government of the people by the people. Farmers have no right to protest as long as those in power see this behind closed doors. They should just shut up and obey what they are told.

The World Economic Forum represents the greatest threat to humanity

These absolute idiots turned against agriculture and the farmers shut Germany down like in the Netherlands. This will only be a big problem because the stupidity of those in power is pushing Western society to the brink of its own doom, just as communism failed because it was unable to function rationally or efficiently.

COVID is the biggest lie and deception in history
COVID is the biggest lie and deception in history

COVID, the biggest lie and deception in history to Americans and the world!
Dr. Paul Alexander January 17, 2024 source

100% lie, NOTHING about COVID was true, nothing! A fabricated false-positive, "PCR-produced" bogus, non-epidemic, bogus non-epidemic, this...

- was never true and we fell for it! From the details of the rogue virus, the lab leak, the whole thing, to the deadly lockdowns, to the masks, to the mRNA vaccine based on deadly mRNA technology (Malone, Bourla et al.) to the medical

treatment of our people...we killed most of them , how badly, how inhumanely we treated vulnerable people who should never have entered the COVID protocol, the sedation, the isolation, the Remdesivir and the ventilator... all this killed the granny! They killed otherwise healthy people. it was all a lie...

- it happened, don't trust or believe anything the media or government tells you about COVID or any X disease or any other public health thing...they are 100% damned liars, don't trust any doctor, never trust your doctor again...they helped kill innocent people...to keep their paychecks and subsidies....

The two biggest disasters happened under Trump and he needs to explain how it happened , and how are you going to make sure it doesn't happen again, and what are you going to do differently, and how are you going to make people "whole" again... retroactively roll back liability insurance under the PREP ACT to February 2020, introduce a victim compensation fund for all those affected by the shutdowns and vaccines are damaged, ensure that anyone who has done wrong is investigated and the penalties are implemented within 6 months of taking office...he needs to do these!

Trump has many imperfections like all of you reading here...yet he is our best chance and someday we will have the right type of people who will be good for America, good for the world...but what is on board now is a clown car and the world is on fire...i think he's been misled, he's not a bad person...no....and we can talk about this for days...but he's in charge and he needs to make things right...i don't trust any republican or democrat representative or neither in senator.

Residents of Mihăiesti united and prevented the installation of DIGI 5G antennas in their village In a remarkable step of community solidarity and civil courage, the inhabitants of the village of Mihăiesti, belonging to the municipality of Horodniceni, Suceava County, Romania, succeeded in preventing the installation of a 5G antenna near their homes, thereby winning an important and precedent-setting victory in the fight for their fundamental rights.

The residents of the village made a decision and, with a joint decision, pulled out the concrete base from the ground, on which DIGI wanted to install the 5G antennas.

Residents of Mihăiesti united and prevented the installation of DIGI 5G antennas in their village

The DIGI company managed to trick a villager with financial benefits and free electricity, thus obtaining the consent to install the 5G antenna in his garden, a few tens of meters from other inhabited houses, without taking into account that the population is also affected by the emitted radiation. emission. Everything was done by circumventing the law without consulting the neighbors, which is why the whole community revolted.

At the initiative of a young man concerned about the impact of technology on health, the community of Mihăiesti submitted several petitions to the town hall of Horodnice against the installation of 5G antennas.

With these petitions and submitted complaints, the residents expressed their concern about the proven harmfulness of electromagnetic radiation, citing their right to a healthy environment, human rights laws guaranteeing the right to health and implicitly the right to life. At the same time, informative leaflets were distributed to the population of the village about the negative effects of 5G technology.

Residents of Mihăiesti united and prevented the installation of DIGI 5G antennas in their village

Photo: After the residents of the settlement did not allow the 5G tower near their houses, DIGI had no choice but to move to a place further away from the village.

In addition, they supported their approach by referring to scientific studies that highlight the negative effects of 5G technology on human health and the environment. , including serious diseases caused by radiation, such as cancer, leukemia.

After the community protest, the company responsible for the project, RCS&RDS (Digi), had no choice but to create a new site outside the village, on a hill, next to the already existing 4G technology antenna.

The victory of the Mihăiesti community serves as an example that the mobilization of citizens and the protection of basic rights can lead to significant changes, highlighting the importance of information and active participation in decision-making processes aimed at the future of local communities. Who dares Wins! - announced the residents of the Romanian village. As published in the Romanian press, several settlements have already adopted the good example and started legal protests against the planned 5G antennas near populated areas.
Dear Pfizer,  Leave the kids alone with the deadly mRNA COVID vaccines I wrote this 2.5 years ago: 'Pfizer plans to apply to the FDA for approval to vaccinate children aged 5-12 based on a study it says has been completed. The Biden administration is also on the team.
This is a completely reckless, dangerous step, based on a lack of safety data and poor research methodology, without any scientific basis.

Are there children at risk of Covid-19 for whom vaccination would be justified? What does the evidence show?

The infectious fatality rate (IFR) is roughly similar (or likely lower once all infection data are collected) to that of seasonal influenza. John PA Ioannidis at Stanford identified 36 studies (43 estimates) along with 7 additional preliminary national estimates (50 data) and concluded that the infection-related death rate among those under 70 worldwide was 0.00% and It ranged from 0.57%, with a median of 0.05% (adjusted median of 0.04%) across global locations. The survival rate for those under 70 is 99.5% (Ioannidis' updated version). Also, focusing on children: "The estimated IFR for children and young adults is close to zero." Global data clearly shows that "death from Covid is incredibly rare" in children.

The published evidence is convincing that the risk of serious illness or death from Covid-19 in children is almost zero (statistically zero), and this evidence has been accumulating for well over a year; in fact, we've known this for over 18 months. It is clear that children have a very low risk of spreading the infection to other children, of spreading the infection to adults, as shown in household transmission studies, or of taking the infection home, getting sick or dying, and this scientific evidence holds up globally. Children are at lower risk of developing severe disease processes and are much less susceptible to, and likely less prone to, transmission and dissemination of SARS-CoV-2 (refs. 1, 2, 3, 4). This means that any mass injection/vaccination or even clinical trials in children, where the risk of transmission and disease/death is so close to zero, is contraindicated, unethical and potentially significant harm.

In the case of children, the benefit-risk debate related to Covid-19 injections is quite different than in the case of adults. In fact, this is a completely new and experimental injectable therapy with no mid- or long-term safety data (or even definitive efficacy data). If we continue to vaccinate our children without proper safety testing, we are exposing them to potentially catastrophic risks, even fatal for some.

A Johns Hopkins research team recently reported that when a group of about 48,000 children infected with the virus were studied in the United States, they found no (zero) deaths from Covid among the healthy children. Dr. Makary indicated that his team "worked with FAIR Health, a non-profit organization, to analyze the health insurance data of approximately 48,000 children under the age of 18 diagnosed with Covid between April and August 2020... After studying comprehensive data from thousands of children, the team found "zero mortality found among children who had no pre-existing health problems such as leukemia". With

this background, we already knew about the very low risk in children, but we wanted scientific (molecular/biological) documentation of why this is so low risk to support our argument against such injections in our children The evidence presented below (including the risk of the injection itself) may help explain why children are not candidates for Covid vaccines ( here and here ) and why they may (are) immune and why they are considered "fully vaccinated".

The most important arguments are:

1.) The virus uses the ACE 2 receptor to enter the host cell, and the ACE 2 receptor is limited (less) expressed and present in the nasal epithelium of young children (possibly in the upper respiratory tract ); this partly explains why children are less likely to become infected in the first place, or spread it to other children or adults, or even become seriously ill; the biological molecular apparatus is simply not present in the nasopharynx of children, as Patel and Bunyavanich so eloquently reported. Bypassing this natural defense (limited nasal ACE 2 receptors in young children) and reaching the shoulder blade, this can deliver the vaccine, its mRNA and LNP content (e.g. PEG) and generated spike into the circulation, which can then damage blood vessels (vasculature) endothelial lining and cause severe allergic reactions (e.g. here, here, here, here, here, here, here).

2) Loske's latest research (August 2021) further deepens the understanding of this natural type of biological/molecular defense by showing that primed antiviral innate immunity in the upper respiratory tract of children is effective in curbing early SARS-CoV-2 infection works... resulting in a stronger early innate antiviral response to SARS-CoV-2 infection than in adults."

3) When someone is vaccinated or naturally infected, it drives B-cell generation, tissue distribution, and clonal evolution, which is key to encoding humoral immune memory. According to research recently published by Yang in Science (May 2021), blood taken from children before the Covid-19 pandemic contained memory B cells capable of binding SARS-CoV-2, which is similar to common cold coronaviruses ( suggests a strong role of early childhood exposure to coronaviruses). This is supported by Mateus and his colleagues, who reported on T-cell memory (cross-reactivity/cross-protection) against previous coronaviruses that caused the common cold.

4) Weisberg and Farber et al. suggest (and build on Kumar and Faber's research) that children can neutralize the virus more easily because their T cells are relatively naïve. They claim that because children's T cells are mostly untrained, they can respond immunologically to new viruses in a faster and more agile way.

5) Risk: There is an argument that since VAERS has about 570 covid-related deaths in children and the CDC has reported about 350 child deaths since the start of the emergency (Feb/March 2020), the vaccine could kill more children it kills like the virus/disease itself (Steve Kirsh, personal communication, September 2, 2021).

6) A Yale University report (Yale and Albert Einstein College of Medicine report September 18, 2020 in Science Translational Medicine) indicates that children and adults show very diverse and different immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 infection , which helps us understand why there are far fewer illnesses or deaths from COVID. "Since the earliest days of the COVID-19 epidemic, scientists have observed that children infected with the virus tend to recover much better than adults... Researchers report that two immune system molecules—interleukin 17A (IL-17A), which helps mobilize the immune system's response during early infection, and levels of interferon gamma (INF-g), which fights viral replication, were strongly related to the patients' age. The younger the patient, the higher the levels of IL-17A and INF-g level - the analysis showed... these two molecules are part of the innate immune system, a more primitive, non-specific type of response that is activated early after infection".

7) Dowell et al (2022) recently published and commented on antibody and cellular immunity in children (3-11 years) and adults. Their results confirm the biological basis of why SARS-CoV-2 infection is usually mild or asymptomatic in children. Antibody responses against the spike protein were reported to be elevated in children and seroconversion "enhanced responses against seasonal beta-coronaviruses through cross-recognition of the S2 domain. Neutralization of viral variants was comparable between children and adults. Spike-specific T cell responses they were more than twice as high in children and were also detected in many seronegative children, indicating pre-existing cross-reactive responses to seasonal coronaviruses." Very key to the results was that children sustained and preserved "antibody and cellular responses" at 6 months post-infection, while adults had a relative decline. Spike-specific responses were broadly stable at 12 months. Therefore, children were robust, cross-reactive and generate a sustained immune response to SARS-CoV-2 with a specificity focused on the spike protein".

What can be concluded? Taken together, these emerging research results confirm the argument that children are not candidates for Covid vaccines and should be considered "fully and completely vaccinated against Covid". Furthermore, as Whelan clearly outlined, moving forward with vaccines without properly studying the potential harm to children is potentially disastrous for children. The developers of the vaccines failed to conduct the proper safety studies and did not conduct the time periods that would reveal any potential harm.

Regulators: please slow down and require safety inspections, however long it takes. Conduct appropriate risk-benefit analyzes and ensure that injections are contraindicated in children. Special care should be taken regarding the possible widespread injection of children before real data are available on the safety or efficacy of these injections.

The risk is very small and there is no data, evidence or scientific results to justify Covid-19 injections in children. Under no circumstances should we put children at risk of injections, and to consider endangering children to protect adults is perverse, reckless and very dangerous. There are no safety data. Rather, the focus should be on early treatment and testing (seroantibody or T-cell) to determine who is a credible candidate for these injections, if properly informed and ethically consented, as the existing covid-restored, naturally acquired is very dangerous put the vaccine on immunity (no benefits, only potential harm/adverse effects)

We need to establish who is Covid cured, i.e. has natural immunity, as this is a critical piece of the puzzle before any injection. Also, if Fauci, Walensky, and Collins, the heads of the public health agencies, continue to demand that our children be vaccinated, they must remove liability protections from all those who benefit.

What does all this mean? A biological and molecular (as well as epidemiological) argument has been presented showing that children are already "vaccinated." Pfizer and all the Covid vaccine developers (including Walensky from the CDC, Fauci from the NIAID and Francis Collins from the NIH) should be removed from our children and only discussed if they are removed liability protection off the table.

If there is no risk on the table, then as parents we cannot take that risk. So something is not quite right about these vaccines in our children. If the risk in children is so low, it should be a problem for these officials and vaccine developers to remove the protection. If the risk in children is so low, and there is no possibility of benefit, and only the costs of potential harm, then these vaccines "can't be" for our children.
Johnson & Johnson buys drug developer Ambrx Biopharma for $2 billion which is used to treat turbo cancers using the same technology as Pfizer's $43 billion acquisition of Seagen. Both targeted 2025 cancer TSUNAMI
Jan 2024. 8. (CNBC) - J&J to buy cancer drug developer Ambrx Biopharma for $2 billion.

Johnson & Johnson has announced that it will acquire Ambrx Biopharma for $2 billion, acquiring a drugmaker specializing in one of the hottest areas of cancer treatment.

The deal makes J&J the latest drugmaker to turn to antibody-drug conjugates, or ADCs (the same technology used in Pfizer's recent $43 billion acquisition of Seagen).

The acquisition also comes as J&J looks to plug its looming 2025 (!) revenue hole.

Johnson & Johnson announced Monday that it will pay $2 billion in cash to acquire Ambrx Biopharma.

"Ambrx's pipeline and ADC platform offer exciting future opportunities to deliver advanced, precision biologics as we strive to transform cancer treatment and improve patient lives"

Under the terms of the deal, J&J will pay $28 per share for Ambrx, or approximately the company's Friday 13 SOUTH of its closing price of $.63. J&J expects to close the deal in the first half of 2024.

Jan. 9, 2024 (Health & Pharma) -- J&J's $2 billion strategic acquisition of Ambrx Biopharma: a leader in ADC oncology.

Johnson & Johnson announced the $2 billion acquisition of Ambrx Biopharma, which aims to strengthen Ambrx's oncology pipeline with innovative antibody-drug conjugates.

This strategic move focuses on targeted therapies such as ARX517 for the treatment of prostate cancer.

ADCs are a class of therapeutics that combine the specificity of monoclonal antibodies with the efficacy of cytotoxic drugs to target and kill cancer cells more effectively.

The jewel in Ambrx's crown is ARX517, their proprietary ADC targeting prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) for the treatment of metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC).

In addition to ARX517, Ambrx's portfolio includes other promising ADCs such as ARX788, which targets HER2+ metastatic breast cancer.

ARX305, a proprietary ADC targeting CD-70 for the treatment of renal cell carcinoma.

Jan. 08, 2024 (Businesswire) -- Johnson & Johnson to acquire Ambrx, a developer of next-generation antibody-drug conjugates aimed at transforming cancer treatment.

Johnson & Johnson (NYSE: JNJ) today announced that it has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire Ambrx Biopharma, Inc., or Ambrx, a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company with a proprietary synthetic drug for the design and development of next-generation antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs). has a biotech platform in an all-cash merger transaction for a total equity value of $2.0 billion.

The results so far with ARX517 in mCRPC (prostate cancer) are promising and potentially represent the first and best targeted therapy for this aggressive disease.

Ambrx's proprietary ADC technology incorporates the benefits of highly specific targeted monoclonal antibodies safely linked to a potent chemotherapeutic payload to achieve targeted and effective removal of cancer cells without the common side effects typically associated with chemotherapy.

Following the closing of the transaction, Ambrx common stock will no longer be listed on the NASDAQ Global Select Market.


This is my original prediction of turbo clocks induced by the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine, which may change slightly over time as more data comes in.

Top 5 Turbo cancers according to the number of people affected in the long term:
Lymphoma (various types)
Brain tumors (mainly glioblastoma)
Breast cancer (mainly triple negative)
Colon cancer Lung

Top 10 turbo cancers according to the number of people affected (in no particular order):

Dec. 2023 14. - Pfizer's $43 billion acquisition of Seagen

Pfizer has positioned itself to be able to treat 7 of the 10 most significant Turbo cancers, as I have already identified at this early stage.

Seagen ADC has added cancer drugs (or drugs in development) to Pfizer for lymphoma, breast, colon, lung, and non-top 10 cancers: cervical, urothelial bladder and multiple myeloma.

Johnson & Johnson adds:

This $2 billion acquisition allows J&J to use the same ADC technology as Pfizer's $43 billion Seagen to treat 2 of the top 10 turbo cancers: breast cancer and kidney cancer.

I haven't seen a significant spike in prostate cancer yet, but maybe they know something I don't.

My take...

Many pharmaceutical companies are trying to position themselves to profit from the tsunami of cancer that is expected to occur starting in 2025.

Dec. 2023 14. - Pfizer Dec. 2023 On the 14th, it closed a $43 billion acquisition of several turbo cancer treatments and expects to "fill a gap" by 2025-2030.

Dec. 2023 14., no. 2023 - Moderna targets a new mRNA cancer vaccine to treat melanoma, which could be available by 2025.

Jan 2024 8. - Johnson & Johnson buys Pfizer's technology-based cancer drug company for $2 billion to "fill a 2025 revenue gap."

Jan 2024 10. - BioNTech expects to return to revenue growth in 2025, when its COVID vaccine business bottoms out, and invests in "expanding its oncology business thereafter."

Nothing to see here

Oct 2023 12. - Dxcover plans to introduce a blood test that uses light to detect brain tumors by 2025.

Sep 2023 2023 - Harbinger Health raises $140 million to study blood-based cancer screening test - ahead of planned 2025 launch.

June 2023 1. - Multi-cancer blood test shows real promise in NHS study - NHS England plans to roll out to a million more people in 2024 and 2025.

Cancer centers to open by 2025

Aug. 2023. 2023 - Cape Breton (NS, Canada) cancer center opens in 2025.

Jul.2023 - $120 million cancer center (Tennessee Oncology) to be completed in 2025

Jun.2023 - $200 million cancer center to open in 2025 in NJ (NJ).

March 2023 2023 - Orange County's only hospital specializing in cancer will open in 2025.

May 2023. 2023 - Kearney, Nebraska will welcome a new cancer center in 2025.

Jan.2023 - OU Health to open cancer center in 2025

Dec. 2022 A $2 billion cancer center in Alberta, Canada, will open in 2024.

Aug 2022 - Baltimore, MD - Sinai Hospital to build cancer center by 2025.

July 2022. 2022 - Wales - the new Velindre cancer center opens in 2025

Dec.2023 - 123 cancer centers open, expand, join in 2023

It seems that the public will be the last to know, but from the largest pharmaceutical companies to politicians to health care providers, everyone You are betting on a cancer tsunami starting in 2025.
Johnson & Johnson is just the latest company to secure a piece of the pie, now that it has paid $700 million in damages over the talc baby powder scandal.
And the most recent acquisition was overpaid by more than 100% compared to the current share price.
Chinese lab has created a MUTANT strain of COVID - 100% lethal in humanized mice Disease X? Chinese scientists created a new mutant strain of COVID-19 that unleashed a 100% killing streak in "humanized" mice. All infected mice died within eight days, a surprisingly rapid death rate, according to the researchers.

Look at it!

Feature enhancements will continue in China and will likely be funded by your tax dollars.
Is this "Disease X"?

More from the New York Post:

In a Wuhan-like study, Chinese scientists are experimenting with a mutant strain of COVID-19 that has a 100% death rate in "humanized" mice.

The deadly virus - known as GX_P2V - attacked the brains of mice that had been engineered to reflect a genetic makeup similar to that of humans, according to a study reported last week from Beijing.

"This underscores the risk of transmission of GX_P2V to humans and provides a unique model for understanding the pathogenic mechanisms of SARS-CoV-2 related viruses," the authors wrote.

The deadly virus is a mutated version of a relative of the GX/2017 coronavirus, which was allegedly discovered in Malaysian pangolins in 2017 - three years before the pandemic.

All of the mice infected with the virus died within just eight days, which the researchers say is a "surprisingly" rapid death rate.

For those wondering about "Disease X" - The Next Global Health Threat Disease

X is not an actual disease name, but a placeholder name used by the World Health Organization (WHO) to denote a "presumed, unknown pathogen" that is potentially a future can cause an epidemic or pandemic.

World leaders are now meeting in Davos at the World Economic Forum (WEF) to warn the world about this non-existent virus that could be 20 times deadlier than COVID.

Here, Bill Gates talks about the "pandemic that's getting everyone's attention."
Do you think they are warnings of things to come?
FDA launches new bid to drop high-profile Ivermectin case The attempt comes after an appeals court found that the agency likely overstepped its authority regarding warnings against ivermectin.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is trying to convince a federal court to dismiss a lawsuit challenging repeated advice to use ivermectin to treat COVID-19.

In a sealed motion, the FDA asked the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas to dismiss a lawsuit brought by three doctors who said the FDA's warnings were illegal.

The motion, filed in late 2023, was classified because the evidence cited by the government "contains confidential information" from a separate legal proceeding, according to the government's filing.

Government lawyers said they would make a redacted version of the motion available to the public, but have yet to do so.

Lawyers for the doctors said on January 12 that the court should reject another government request to dismiss the case.
"The FDA has overstepped its authority by repeatedly issuing public instructions not to use ivermectin for COVID-19, even though the drug remains fully licensed for human use," they wrote.

One of the instructions read: "You are not a horse. Stop taking #Ivermectin. It is not approved to treat #COVID".

The government's motion comes after an appeals court found the FDA likely overstepped its authority with the warnings.
"The FDA may inform, but has not identified, any authority that would allow it to recommend that consumers 'stop' taking the drugs," U.S. District Judge Don Willett, an appointee of then-President Donald Trump, wrote in the ruling.

An appeals court sent the case back to U.S. District Judge Jeffrey Brown, who said in 2022 that the doctors had failed to prove their claims.
In the sealed motion, the FDA asked Judge Brown, also an appointee of President Trump, to dismiss the case.

The doctors' attorneys say the FDA's motion includes an argument that the plaintiffs have not suffered any injuries attributable to the FDA that cannot be remedied by a judgment in the plaintiffs' favor.

"The FDA is wrong," the lawyers said. "Plaintiffs have suffered interference with the practice of medicine and the doctor-patient relationship, economic damages, reputational damage and increased exposure to malpractice liability, as well as disciplinary proceedings and forced resignations, all clearly attributable to the FDA's campaign against ivermectin." back, and which could be remedied by an equitable remedy".

The federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act allows the FDA to license or approve drugs for a specific use, but doctors are free to prescribe approved drugs for other purposes, in so-called "off-label" prescribing. The law does not give the FDA authority to regulate off-label use.

The plaintiffs include Dr. Robert Apter, who was investigated by two state medical associations for prescribing ivermectin to treat COVID-19. The submissions to the committees include some of the FDA's warnings against using the drug as a treatment for COVID-19.

The FDA's position in requesting the rejection stems in part from the fact that third parties, such as pharmacies, have taken negative measures against the plaintiffs - read the description of the closed motion. They cited that the filings were "not sufficiently traceable" to the FDA's statements.

However, one piece of evidence attached by the FDA revealed that one of the submissions came from a pharmacist who cited FDA documents as the reason for "increased scrutiny" of ivermectin prescriptions. The pharmacist wrote that Dr. Apter did not provide a "valid medical reason" for prescribing ivermectin and was thus "improperly prescribing."

"The FDA is the common thread through [the] plaintiffs' grievances, which began only after the FDA began its campaign to stop the use of ivermectin for COVID-19, and which often involve express reference to FDA instructions and recommendations" - the plaintiffs' lawyers said.

They are seeking an injunction forcing the FDA to withdraw or modify its warnings. This would eliminate the justification of the parties acting against the plaintiffs - the lawyers added.
Masks, lockdowns, travel restrictions, vaccines are useless in a pandemic Seasonality, not priority government interventions, influenced cases and deaths, according to the ecological analysis.
During the waves of the COVID-19 pandemic, I came to the conclusion that early treatment protocols and the development of natural immunity after the index case of COVID-19 are the most important determinants of both subsequent cases and survival.

Quinn et al.'s analysis concluded that much-vaunted government non-pharmacological interventions (NPIs) (masking, social distancing, lockdowns, travel restrictions, etc.) and mass vaccination had little or no effect on the incidence of disease and death in Europe. Instead, the seasonality of other human beta-coronaviruses influenced the models.

"For our analysis, we conducted a population-based observational ecological study in six Northern European countries. To do this, we statistically compared these three factors with the dynamics of the pandemic over time (including the timing and magnitude of the rise and fall of each 'wave') in six neighboring Northern European countries (Ireland, UK, Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland) for an estimated population of 99. 8 million in 2020...we found no clear or consistent evidence that NRIs or vaccination rigor reduced the progress of the pandemic... We hypothesize that the apparent effect of NPIs and vaccines may be more an effect of the seasonality of the coronavirus. We recommend that policymakers consider these results when evaluating policy options for future pandemics."

As you can see, NPIs and vaccines seemed to be useless as we saw fully masked, sealed and vaccinated individuals get COVID-19. In the future, we must always prioritize early treatment and carefully record the acquisition of natural immunity. Massive efforts to "save" the index occurrence of a highly contagious respiratory virus are futile. We should all have expected to get SARS-CoV-2, deal with it, and move on with life. The massive waste of government intervention directed by the bio-pharma complex will go down in history as the biggest financial and public health effort sinker in history.
China has repeatedly tried to prevent Taiwan from giving its population toxic COVID-19 mRNA vaccines Now, Taiwan publishes new, fraudulent research covering up myocarditis in mRNA-vaccinated teenagers.
Jan 2024 - Echocardiographic Function Assessment in Adolescents Following BNT162b2 Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA Vaccination: A Preliminary Prospective Study.
This article begins with the newly published (Jan 2024) fraudulent Pfizer mRNA vaccine safety study funded by the Taiwanese government.

In the study, 25 teenagers were examined prospectively, their average age was 14 years, 14 men, 11 women.
"this prospective study examined clinical status and myocardial function by serial echocardiography before and after the second dose of BNT vaccine (Pfizer) in adolescents aged 12-15 years.
Conclusion: serial echocardiography did not find significant deterioration during the 28-day post-vaccination period.
"consistent maintained contact with the adolescents and their families. During the subsequent 1-year follow-up, all adolescents reported no events".
The study was funded by the "National Science and Technology Council of Taiwan".
My assessment of this new research paper on myocarditis after 2 Pfizer mRNA vaccines:

This study is hot garbage. Pure rubbish.
A prospective study is a high level of evidence (level 2 where level 1 is the highest = randomized control trial) - however it is misleading in this case.
They only studied 25 teenagers, 11 of whom were girls.
yet another one done by Mansanguan in 2022 In a prospective study in Thailand, 301 teenagers were examined, of whom 202 were boys.
54 had an abnormal ECG.
7 had an abnormal blood count.
100% had a NORMAL echocardiogram
. sure to be an ideal diagnostic tool for suspected vaccine-induced myocarditis; conventional echocardiography appeared normal in these patients".
So we already have a study published in 2022 that looked at 301 teenagers after the 2nd Pfizer mRNA vaccine and found that echocardiography was useless.
This Taiwanese study looked at 25 teenagers with two Pfizer mRNAs after vaccination and found that the echocardiography was normal.
There was no need for a much worse study than the Thailand study and it should not have come to a conclusion about echocardiography that was already known 2 years ago - a study that is USELESS for Pfizer in the diagnosis of post-mRNA administration myocarditis in teenagers.
In fact, a 2020 study by Thunnemann-Tarr et al showed that only a very special echocardiography called "Speckle tracking echocardiography" can diagnose viral myocarditis in young people whose usual echocardiography was NORMAL.
Why did the National Science and Technology Council of Taiwan, the "statutory agency" of the Executive Yuan of the Republic of China (Taiwan), aka the Taiwanese government, fund such completely fraudulent research?
Why is the Taiwanese government misleading the rest of the world about the "safety" of Pfizer's COVID-19 mRNA vaccines?
And why was it published in the Chinese Journal of Medicine?
What's going on in China, Taiwan and Pfizer mRNA vaccines?

Most people agree that China does not have our best interests at heart.
The US may even go to war with China over Taiwan.
But here are some fascinating stories that most people have missed.
May 28, 2021 - Taiwan's president says China interfered and delayed the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine deal.

"We almost finished signing the contract with the German manufacturer (BioNTech), but it was delayed because of China's interference," Tsai said.
Insider reported this week that Tsai is also under pressure to buy China-made Sinovac vaccines from the mainland.
Sinovac is a fully inactivated COVID-19 virus vaccine developed by the Chinese company Sinovac Biotech.
Zhu Fenglian, a spokesperson for the Taiwan Affairs Office in Beijing, said China would not prevent Taiwan from getting the vaccine, but instead offered to donate the COVID vaccines to the Taiwanese, according to a report by Chinese news portal Sina News.
Tsai said that Taiwan has reached an agreement with the British manufacturers of the AstraZeneca vaccine and the American suppliers of the Moderna vaccine.
Apr 2022 18 - TAIPEI (Reuters) - Talks to buy a pediatric version of the Pfizer ( PFE.N )/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine have stalled because Pfizer does not have the rights to sell it and BioNTech and its Chinese partner do not manufacture it, a Taiwanese company said on Monday. minister.

The deal for the main version of the vaccine ran aground last year after Taiwan accused China of political interference, which Beijing denied.
"The vaccine was later purchased after the Taiwanese government allowed chipmaker TSMC ( 2330.TW ), a Buddhist charity and Apple Inc ( AAPL.O ) supplier Terry Gou, the billionaire founder of Foxconn ( 2317.TW ) to buys it on behalf of the government."
"Taiwanese Health Minister Chen Shih-chung said the problem now is that only Pfizer makes the children's version of the injection, but it doesn't have the right to sell it in Taiwan, which is in the hands of BioNTech and Fosun."
"Pfizer doesn't have the sales rights in China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. So that complicated the deal."
More than half of the population of 23 million received three doses of the vaccine
April 11, 2022 - Taiwan orders Pfizer's COVID-19 pills as infections rise

Health Minister Chen Shih-chung said the ordered pills will be enough for 3% of Taiwan's population- price, and half will arrive in the second quarter of this year.
Masks are still mandatory in Taiwan, and nearly 80% of the population have already received two vaccinations, while more than 50% have received three vaccinations.
Nov 2022 4. - Scholz's visit to China will ensure access to the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine for foreigners - according to the German Chancellor, this would be the "first step" towards wider use of the vaccine.

People in China will soon get the BioNTech/Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine - but only if they're not Chinese (read this a few times).
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced the deal today during his visit to China, accompanied by a group of his country's business leaders, including BioNTech head Ugur Şahin.
One influential financial news portal, Caixin, reported that the BioNTech vaccine will only be available to "German expats" living in China.
Closer cooperation with the EU's medicines agency [the European Medicines Agency] would pave the way here, he added, pointing out that BioNTech's marketing authorization application is still pending.
BioNTech submitted a Chinese license application for the COVID-19 vaccine last year. The company's spokesperson declined to comment on the proceedings.
China has so far relied heavily on domestically produced vaccines to fight the coronavirus, notably those made by Sinopharm and CanSino, which use older technology based on an inactivated form of the virus and which have been outperformed in several studies by new mRNA vaccines from BioNTech/Pfizer and Moderna.
Dec. 2022 4. - China's Xi refuses to accept Western vaccines, US official says

Chinese leader Xi Jinping refuses to accept Western vaccines despite China facing Covid-19 challenges
"despite the social and economic effects of the virus Xi" refuses to accept a better vaccine from the West, instead relying on a Chinese vaccine that is not nearly as effective against Omicron"
"This, I repeat, is not something that we see at this point as a threat to stability or a regime change or anything like that," he said, adding: "How it develops will be important for Xi's authority."
"China has not approved any foreign Covid vaccines, preferring domestically produced ones, which according to some studies are not as effective as some foreign vaccines. This means that the easing of virus protection measures could have great risks, according to experts."
"The White House said earlier this week that China has not asked the United States for vaccines."
"A U.S. official told Reuters that China is 'not currently expected' to approve Western vaccines."
"It seems pretty far-fetched that China would give the green light to Western vaccines. It's a matter of national pride."
Nov 2023 27. - Moderna invests in mRNA vaccines in China.

The American pharmaceutical and biotechnology company began construction of its facility this month.
China has so far had a delicate relationship with mRNA.
During the pandemic, the Chinese government said no to mRNA vaccines.
In May this year, China's CSPC Pharmaceutical Group produced China's first mRNA vaccine against Covid-19.
Not long after, in July, the American pharmaceutical and biotechnology company Moderna announced that it would invest "in the manufacture of mRNA medicines in China for the Chinese people." Construction of the facility began in November. According to the Chinese-language publication Yicai, the value of the investment is roughly 1 billion dollars.
In July this year, Chinese Commerce Minister Wang Wentao held a roundtable discussion with foreign pharmaceutical companies, assuring them about China's business environment.
"The Chinese government attaches great importance to attracting foreign investment and continues to optimize the business environment," Mr. Wang said.
In June, China's CSPC Pharmaceutical Group entered into a strategic partnership with Pfizer to manufacture the local brand of the Covid-19 drug Paxlovid.
In Moderna's case, the Chinese government was "very smart" because the topic is no longer on the radar and they can now reap the benefits of mRNA drugs, while foreign companies that make mRNA vaccines like Moderna are no longer in demand, at least not as big as Covidra - he says.
"The jury is still out on whether [companies like Moderna] will make money in China," he adds.
My take...
It's clear to me that China has worked very hard to prevent the government of Taiwan from poisoning its own population (which China considers its own) with a COVID-19 mRNA vaccine.

They blocked the initial two doses for months, while offering free donated SINOVAC COVID-19 vaccines (whole inactivated virus vaccines) to Taiwan.

Then there was a delay in sourcing Pfizer's mRNA vaccines for children from Taiwan, which also affected China.

See the lengths to which the Taiwanese government went to obtain mRNA vaccines to poison its population:

"The vaccines were purchased later after the Taiwanese government allowed chipmaker TSMC, a Buddhist charity, and Terry Gou of Apple Inc's supplier, the billionaire founder of Foxconn, to buy them on behalf of the government."
A December 4, 2022 Reuters article brings up "regime change" if Chinese leader Xi Jinping doesn't warm to mRNA vaccines.

Interestingly, in July 2023, China gave Modern the green light to build an mRNA vaccine factory, which I see as nothing more than a further drag and delay, as construction of the factory did not begin until November 2023.

Why didn't China just buy a billion doses of mRNA for their population from Pfizer or Moderna (Japan bought 400 million doses of mRNA and poisoned their own population).

This does not mean that the Chinese Communist government is benevolent, but it does show that they are protecting their own people from being given mRNA vaccines.

Even when the German Chancellor visited China in November 2022, China authorized the use of mRNA vaccines, but only for German citizens, not its own people.

As I wrote in yesterday's subsection, China is conducting fraudulent research on next-generation mRNA vaccines (self-enhancing vaccines and mRNA cancer vaccines) and preaching "safe and effective" propaganda while refusing to vaccinate its own people with mRNA.

The Taiwan government is conducting fraudulent research on injuries caused by the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine, namely myocarditis in teenagers who received a double dose of the Pfizer mRNA vaccine, and pretending that the vaccines are safe for children.

It is clear that the Taiwanese government is behaving like a hostile nation that wants to see the destruction of our youth and is willing to commit scientific fraud to aid this process.

Imagine going to war to defend Taiwan - run by a government that wants to see our children dead or maimed.
I can't remember: Fauci can't answer Pandemic Probe's most important questions Dr. Anthony Fauci claimed more than 100 times during Monday's House hearing on COVID-19 policy and funding decisions that he did not remember the details of the pandemic response and its origins.
On the first day of a two-day closed-door interview held Monday before the US House of Representatives' special committee on the coronavirus epidemic, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), often referred to gain-of-function research and the COVID-19 pandemic. from questions related to its governmental management.

In a statement following Monday's interview, Speaker Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio) said,

"Dr. Fauci's testimony today exposed drastic and systemic flaws in America's public health systems," and that Fauci "had no idea what was happening in his own jurisdiction." at NIAID".

According to The Hill, Fauci offered his "expertise on preparing for potential future outbreaks." According to The Washington Times, however, he "could not recall many details about his support for lockdowns, his wavering on mask mandates and his decision to allow government funding for gain-of-function research in China that led to the pandemic."

Fauci "claimed more than 100 times that he had 'no recollection' of information or conversations about COVID-19" and "profusely defended his previous congressional testimony in which he stated that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) did not fund the Wuhan, function-enhancing research," the subcommittee's announcement states.

Fauci "repeatedly played semantic games with the definition of gain of function to avoid acknowledging that NIH funded potentially dangerous research in China," the subcommittee said in a statement.

In response to Monday's testimony, Rutgers University molecular biologist Dr. Richard Ebright, a frequent critic of enhancement research, told The Defender:

"Fauci has repeatedly and egregiously violated US government policies put in place to protect the public from laboratory-generated epidemics. In three Senate hearings in 2021-2022, he shamelessly lied to Congress about policy violations. Yesterday, he again brazenly lied to Congress about policy violations."

Investigative journalist Paul D. Thacker, who has documented attempts by Fauci and other government officials, federal agencies and top scientists to cover up the U.S. government's role in funding for-profit research in China, told The Defender that he was not surprised by Fauci position.

"As I documented more than two years ago, Anthony Fauci lied about funding gain-of-function research in Wuhan. That's okay. People in Washington lie all the time," Thacker said.

"But when he lied in a congressional hearing, pointing the finger at Senator [Rand] Paul, I knew right away that he broke the law. His lies about the pandemic have been documented by multiple media outlets, and I hope that he will eventually be held accountable," he added.

Francis Boyle, JD, Ph.D., a professor of international law at the University of Illinois and a bioweapons expert who drafted the 1989 Biological Weapons Terrorism Act, told The Defender that Fauci should be held accountable to pull

"Fauci knew exactly what was going on at BSL4 [biosafety level 4] in Wuhan and BSL3 at the University of North Carolina — he paid for it," Boyle said. "He has perjured himself several times in his testimony before Congress. This is just another case like this."

Boyle said Wenstrup should follow the lead of Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and refer Fauci to the U.S. Department of Justice for perjury charges.

"Perhaps now that the Wuhan cover-up has unfolded, as detailed in Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s book 'The Wuhan Cover-Up,' something will happen there as well," he added.

The seven-hour meeting was Fauci's first appearance in the House since he retired from public office in December 2022. According to The Hill, he was accompanied by two of his attorneys and two government attorneys.

The closed-door testimony was first announced by Wenstrup on November 30, 2023. In the same announcement, Wenstrup revealed that Fauci will appear before the subcommittee in a public hearing later in 2024. This meeting has not yet been scheduled.

In a statement about the Moday interview, Wenstrup said it's "concerning that the face of the national response to the world's worst public health crisis 'doesn't remember' key details about the origins of COVID-19 and the policies implemented during the pandemic. Nearly 1.2 million Americans have lost his life due to a potentially preventable pandemic," he added.

Fauci "repeatedly and flagrantly violated" research definitions of gain of function
According to The Washington Times, lawmakers prepared 200 pages of questions for Fauci. In remarks cited by The New York Post, Wenstrup said Fauci's testimony "will shed light on topics that neither any member of the committee nor the news outlets have previously inquired about."

Fauci paused several times during the interview, but the meeting was conducted in a "respectful" and "cooperative" tone. Fauci did not respond to reporters' questions.

Despite the reported tone, however, Fauci touched on key issues such as enhancement research.

Regarding Fauci's apparently poor memory, Wenstrup said, "It just means that maybe we need to find the people who remember."

In an opinion piece published in The New York Post on January 4, James Bovard, author of "Last Rights: The Death of American Liberty," wrote that "The subcommittee announced that Fauci's 'honesty is not negotiable'."

"But will your memory stage another boycott?" Bovard asked, noting that when Fauci was questioned in Missouri v. Biden in 2022 about government censorship of the COVID-19 controversy, he answered "I don't remember" 174 times, "including the damning and quite memorable emails he sent."

Much of this evasion appears to have occurred in response to questions about gain-of-function research.

Wenstrup noted Fauci's "new operational definition" of gain-of-function. "I don't know if all scientists who do this type of virus research understand your definition."

According to Ebright,
"Fauci's attempt to deny that he violated US government policy by claiming to use different definitions of 'gain-of-function research' and enhanced potential pandemic pathogen research is equivalent - exactly equivalent - to as if a terrorist were trying to deny that he violated federal law by using different definitions of 'terrorism.'

"Fauci was not authorized to substitute his own personal definitions for the definitions in the U.S. government guidelines,"

Ebright told The Defender that the only definitions of "gain-of-function research" and "research of highly potential pandemic pathogens" that matter are those contained in the US government guidelines in effect from 2014-2017 and from 2018 to the present. According to

Ebright, based on these definitions, Fauci "repeatedly and egregiously violated" the guidelines for both types of research.

According to Newsweek, "Fauci previously denied in congressional testimony that the National Institutes of Health, of which he was a member from 1984 to 2022, funded risky 'gain-of-function' research."

US Right to Know reported on Jan. 6 that "scientists at the center of the 'lab leak' controversy" visited Fauci's NIAID in 2017 to discuss their research — "just months before the NIH lifted its high-risk virology freeze and two years before

"Many of our GOP colleagues failed to recognize that the operational, regulatory definition of [a] gain of function introduced in 2017 was already in place when the COVID epidemic began. And the concern of the EcoHealth Alliance...Dr. Fauci was able to clarify that today." .

Wenstrup said the subcommittee plans to ask Fauci more questions about the gain-of-function research today.

Fauci could not confirm that NIAID monitored US-funded foreign laboratories.
In Monday's interview, government subsidies for function-enhancing research and foreign laboratories, such as the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China, were also discussed.

According to the subcommittee, Fauci "testified that he signed off on all foreign and domestic NIAID grants without reviewing the applications," but "could not confirm whether NIAID has any mechanism to oversee the foreign laboratories it funds."

"A 2020 email previously released by the Select Subcommittee proved that Dr. Fauci was aware of dangerous gain-of-function research in Wuhan, China. Today, he hit back, arguing that it should not have been taken as 'fact.' the subcommittee added.


New emails reveal that Dr. Fauci knew about risky gain-of-function research in Wuhan, China even before the emergence of COVID-19.

Why didn't you tell the American people? @COVIDSelect demands answers?

In a November 30, 2023 statement, the subcommittee said it had previously "uncovered evidence that Dr. Fauci encouraged the production of the now-infamous 'Proximal Origin' publication to refute the lab leak theory. Fauci then told the White House cited the study from his podium without disclosing his involvement in encouraging its publication.

"Furthermore, the Select Subcommittee revealed that Dr. Fauci was aware of dangerous gain-of-function research in Wuhan, China before the emergence of COVID-19, but was strangely silent on in the public eye," the statement said.

Following Monday's interview, Wenstrup said Fauci's responses indicated that there are "huge flaws in our system" in how grants are awarded.

"Dr. Fauci signed off on all domestic and foreign research grants without reviewing the applications and admitted that he was unaware of whether NIAID monitored the laboratories he funded," Wenstrup said in the subcommittee statement. "


But Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-Mich.) defended Fauci's answers on the issue, saying

"I think it's probably a pretty political question that we're here to start. But I think questions are being asked and he's answering very specifically."

He added that the closed-door nature of the interview gave Fauci a chance to "clarify a lot of policy issues that people were trying to raise" without "playing to the cameras."

Fauci's testimony was scheduled to continue today, with additional questions about the "Proximal Origin" document and COVID-19 countermeasures.

"I look forward to asking Dr. Fauci more questions about the mandates, his role in encouraging the publication of 'Proximal Origin,' and his policy stance on masks and lockdowns," Wenstrup said in a statement Monday.

"Tomorrow's testimony continues the Special Subcommittee's efforts to get the answers the American people demand and deserve."
Bill Gates announced in Davos that he will invest 8.6 billion dollars in future vaccines "We don't want to talk about the pandemic today. But what if another one comes?"
Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft and head of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, regularly participates in the World Economic Forum's (WEF) annual Witches' Saturday, the 2023 meeting was the only exception, but this year he also appeared in Davos.
On Monday, Gates announced in Davos that his foundation will spend $8.6 billion this year on "vaccine development and health programs" worldwide.
Bill Gates told Bloomberg in Davos that health spending is now central to the fight against climate change. This spending, as Gates put it, "has not only humanitarian, but also economic and environmental benefits. As we make the world healthier, this is where population growth will reach a steady state."

Just imagine the world that a mentally ill person like Gates wants to make healthier!

Let's face it, Gates' text is more than vile, considering his past activities of mass murder and vaccine businesses. At the same time, those present at this year's meeting in Davos admitted that the COVID-19 project did not go as planned, but they will not back down, because what will happen if there is a new pandemic, which is only referred to as disease X, i.e. an unknown/presumed disease for the time being , bursts into the world. Translated into Hungarian, this means that although the lies of the COVID pandemic have been exposed and the vaccine terror has exploded in their faces, they do not give up, they continue their anti-humanity plan, where they want to keep people in check with epidemics and biological weapons and subjugate them, thereby transforming the entire social structure. One such attempt was the many illegal, unreasonable and insane measures introduced in connection with the COVID-terror and, of course, the experimental gene therapy, a biological weapon that was forced on people as a COVID vaccine, which has so far officially killed 17 million people in just 2 years.

And in the light of all this, the WEF psychopaths, during their illegitimate assembly, in the company of the assigned, organized WEF politicians, are organizing another terrorist attack against humanity.

Gates admitted that during the COVID he was claimed to be a kind of vaccine terrorist, and then he said in the interview that he does not understand why he is being attacked, since he just wants people to live better and "healthier" under a new world order . (...)

The message came from an unexpected place: Thanks to the Hungarians!
The message came from an unexpected place: Thanks to the Hungarians!

The message came from an unexpected place: "Thank you to the Hungarians!"
January 18, 2024 source

Welt readers in Germany are increasingly vocal in their support of Viktor Orbán's policies and are grateful to Hungary, "the last custodian of European taxpayers' billions of euros".

The two authors of Die Welt discussed the issue of Hungary's right to vote, quoting the opinion of the Green Party and liberal European politicians who were the loudest critics of Viktor Orbán. The conclusion of the article is that the 26 EU member states should unanimously recognize that Hungary seriously violates European values, but it seems that there is no such majority: in Budapest, Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico promised that he would not support any restrictions, but according to the news, neither Austria nor Sweden agree with this solution.

The readers of Welt apparently trust that the Hungarian Prime Minister will stick to his opinion on illegal migration and the financing of Ukraine, and the political direction will change after this year's European Parliament elections.

If our freedom is defended anywhere, it is not in Ukraine, but in Hungary, thanks to the Hungarians - writes a commenter. Others pointed out that German politicians do not have the virtues that Viktor Orbán has, and that fans of democracy should accept someone who has a different opinion than they do, and not immediately demand that the right to vote be taken away. And someone wrote that he was grateful to Hungary, the last guardian of European taxpayers' billions of euros.

There is a commenter who, in response to the claim that Hungary has not respected the interests of the EU for years, asked what interest the EU shows in the interests of the people living here. Another stated that the biggest problem is not with Viktor Orbán, but with the Greens, and he also hopes that this madness will end this year.

Everyone who blindly criticizes Hungary should go on vacation there once and compare a Hungarian city and a similar-sized German one, stated one of them. By the way, German opinions like this are becoming more and more common in Welt. And one commentator emphasized that Viktor Orbán actually acts in the interest of not only Hungary, but also Europe, while the head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, does not.

Brussels is not resting with a large majority, the EP adopted the resolution condemning Hungary and Von der Leyen
"We still see that the rule of law is in serious danger in Hungary", said one of the Green Party MEPs in his justification.
According to the Euronews article, the European Parliament adopted its latest resolution with the support of more than seventy percent of the votes cast, in which the European Commission is criticized alongside the Hungarian government for providing Hungary with EU funds.

According to the portal, of the 478 representatives present and voting in the meeting room, 345 supported the proposal, 104 voted against it and 29 abstained. In the document, the European Parliament threatens the European Commission with legal action after 10 billion euros of frozen cohesion funds were released for Hungary. In their resolution adopted on Thursday, the legislators condemned the Commission's decision and stated that Hungary did not fulfill the requirements of judicial independence.

The resolution was supported by a large majority of the representatives.

"We still see that the rule of law, such as the independence of the judiciary, is in serious danger in Hungary, and it is therefore a bad move to partially release the funds. It would be an even worse move if even more money were released. That is why we support summoning the Commission to court against in this case," said Terry Reintke, German Green Party MEP representative.

Brussels is currently withholding more than 20 billion euros from the Hungarian cohesion and recovery funds. Budapest demands the release of all the money. However, in their resolution, the representatives said that "the EU must not give in to blackmail" and called on the member states to stand firmly against Viktor Orbán's veto policy.
They sent a hard message to Brussels: every euro cent due to Hungary must be paid Ideological blackmail is unacceptable - this is how Fidesz representatives in the European Parliament evaluated the words of Von der Leyen, who announced that the European Commission continues to block the payment of twenty billion euros owed to Hungary. The chairman of the committee justified all this with concerns related to LGBT rights, academic freedom and the right to asylum.

Every euro cent owed to Hungary must be paid, ideological blackmail is unfathomable - stated Balázs Hidvéghi, a representative of Fidesz in the European Parliament (EP) in Strasbourg, after Von der Leyen, the President of the European Commission, said at today's plenary session of the European Parliament that the union is still not give Hungary 20 billion euros due to concerns about LGBT rights, academic freedom and asylum.

Balázs Hidvéghi also addressed the speeches of the EU parliamentarians and stated that the EU parliament wants to suspend Hungary's right to vote, just because they disagree on important political issues. (...)
Face-toasting: Western companies supplied Russia with $3 billion worth of weapon parts in 10 months The products of more than 250 Western companies were found in samples of destroyed or looted Russian weapons.
Western companies delivered $2.9 billion worth of critical components to Russia in the first 10 months of 2023 despite sanctions against Moscow, the Ukrainian presidential office said Wednesday, according to the Guardian. Referring to the research of the working group led by Andriy Jermak, the president's chief of staff, and Michael McFaul, the former US ambassador to Russia, the agency announced that the products of more than 250 Western companies were found in the samples of destroyed or looted Russian weapons.
Houthi militants attacked a US-owned merchant ship off the coast of Yemen Houthi fighters and tribesmen stage a demonstration near Sanaa, Yemen, against US and British strikes on military facilities in Sanaa, Yemen, on Sunday, January 14.
Yemen's Houthi rebels on Monday fired an anti-ship ballistic missile at a US-owned and operated container ship while it was transiting the Red Sea, the US military said. US

Central Command said the missile hit the Marshall Islands at around 4pm local time. flagged commercial cargo ship M/V Gibraltar Eagle after it was fired from Houthi-controlled territory in Yemen. There were no reports of injuries or significant damage.

The latest attack comes less than a week after the US and UK, along with their allies, began a series of airstrikes against Houthi targets in Yemen. According to the Pentagon, the United States and its allies attacked 60 Houthi targets in 28 different locations last Thursday, and more strikes followed over the weekend.

The US and its allies launched the operation in response to a recent increase in Houthi attacks on merchant ships transiting the Red Sea off Yemen, which has hampered international shipping in the region.

The United States and the United Kingdom attacked Houthi targets in Yemen

"These targeted strikes are a clear message that the United States and our partners will not tolerate attacks on our personnel or allow hostile actors to threaten freedom of navigation in one of the world's most critical trade routes." route," President Biden said when he announced the strikes last week. "I will not hesitate to direct further action if necessary to protect our people and the free flow of international trade."

The U.S. military said Monday that the Houthis had fired another missile toward shipping lanes in the Red Sea earlier in the afternoon, but that missile malfunctioned in flight and landed on Yemeni soil. No injuries or damage were reported during the incident.

The Houthis say they will attack commercial ships linked to Israel until Israel ends its military campaign against Hamas in Gaza, which began after Hamas's October 7 attack.

Fears of a wider conflict in the Middle East are growing after Houthi attacks in the Red Sea.

The Iran-backed rebel group attacked the ships with fighter jets and drones and fired missiles at ships transiting the southern Red Sea, forcing more than 2,000 ships to divert to avoid the attack. Some of the attacks damaged the ships, but American warships shot down many of the missiles and drones.

A surge in Houthi attacks and vocal support from Iran have fueled fears that the war between Israel and Hamas could escalate into a wider Middle East conflict.

A spokesman for Iran - which supports the Houthis with weapons, intelligence and other aid - condemned the airstrikes by Western powers and said the rebel group would continue to target ships in the Red Sea.
The German chancellor receives a series of slaps - his party also runs out Olaf Scholz hardly predicted such a chancellor future for himself. Barely two years after taking office on December 8, 2021, the popularity of both him and the three-party coalition he leads is at a new low. This is also indicated by the fact that more and more people are turning their backs on his party, the social democratic SPD.
It is part of the truth that the government's work was made difficult almost from the beginning by the Russian war launched against Ukraine in February 2022. In the first months, the coalition endured the political and mainly economic trials caused by the war, but later on, the population's dissatisfaction gradually grew, mainly in connection with the management of the energy crisis.

The decline reached its peak in November last year, when the Constitutional Court revealed that the Scholz government had to face an extraordinary budget deficit of around 60 billion euros due to a previous decision that violated the constitution. As a result, he was forced to take draconian austerity measures, which cause extremely serious difficulties for the German population and representatives of various professions. This was reflected in the past week's unique, country-wide farmers' demonstrations, which, according to surveys, filled the glass. (...)
The UK is quietly expanding its secret spy base near Iran Exclusive: Facilities at GCHQ's Middle East monitoring station have been upgraded ahead of a potentially devastating new war with Iran over Israel.
A base for British spies near Iran has undergone significant construction in the past two years, Declassified has revealed. Satellite images show that construction was taking place at a GCHQ site in pro-British Oman, which lies between Iran and Yemen.

The site is likely to play a key role in the region where Britain is trying to take action against Yemen's Houthi movement and Iranian authorities. Both oppose Western support for Israel's genocide in Gaza.

Houthi leaders have vowed to blockade Israeli-bound shipping in the Red Sea until Benjamin Netanyahu stops attacks on Palestinians. The Royal Navy shot down Houthi drones in the Red Sea on Tuesday night, and British Defense Secretary Grant Shapps yesterday said they were "watching this place" for possible strikes in Yemen.

Britain has 1,000 troops stationed in Oman, where GCHQ operates three observation posts. One of these is located on the southern coast near the city of Salalah, 75 miles from Yemen. The facility, codenamed Clarinet, was revealed in the 2014 Snowden leaks.

Declassified published the first photos of Clarinet in 2020, showing a golf-ball-sized radome similar to those seen at other GCHQ sites. More recent satellite images show extensive construction work in a 1.4 km radius of the area.

Two new buildings were built and the foundations of another two were laid. The largest new building has a footprint the size of six tennis courts and appears to be multi-story. Responding to the results, a GCHQ spokesperson said: "We are not in a position to comment on operational issues".

The UK is quietly expanding its secret spy base near Iran
Click here to drag the button to the left to see the new buildings.

Undersea Cables

Marine charts confirm that Clarinet is located at one of the few points in Oman where undersea cables run ashore. These should be marked on maps so that ships do not pollute them with their anchors. These fiber-optic internet cables run between continents, allowing GCHQ to hack online traffic from around the world.

A new 10,000km communication line, the Oman-Australia Cable, is being laid between Perth and Salalah. Originally advertised as a commercial project run by an Australian company, Subco, it has since been revealed that the cable runs through a US/UK military base on an Indian Ocean atoll called Diego Garcia.

The US military paid $300 million to run the cable through Diego Garcia under Operation Big Wave. Diego Garcia is part of the Chagos Islands, whose indigenous community was evicted by Britain in the 1960s to make way for a US base in exchange for concessions on nuclear submarines.

The base has been a key staging area for US forces invading Iraq and Afghanistan, and the Pentagon expects to use it in the event of a war with Iran. The installation of the fiber optic cable means the base will no longer rely on satellite links to communicate with shore.

Perth, the Western Australian city where the other end of the cable is located, has also become increasingly geostrategically important. Last year, Britain received permission to station some of its nuclear-powered submarines in the port as part of the controversial AUKUS pact. This will allow the Royal Navy to conduct more frequent underwater patrols near China.

The UK is quietly expanding its secret spy base near Iran
Click here to drag the button to the left to see new buildings

GCHQ in Oman

Driving east from Oman's third largest city, the highway from Salalah is lined with palm trees. At the Maamoura Roundabout, traffic turns right and directs cars between a huge royal palace and the massive Razat military base. A mile down the asphalt road is an entrance to a dirt road guarded by concrete blocks and a police checkpoint.

Most motorists ignore this and continue along the coastal highway, perhaps stopping at the Hawana Aquapark or the Rotana Beach Resort. But the select few who turn here arrive at an unmarked facility distinguished by towering radio masts and a giant white golf ball.

It was recently marked on Google Maps as 94 Omantel, but it's more than part of Oman's state-owned telephone company, which is known to be a cover for spies. According to US intelligence files leaked by whistleblower Edward Snowden, one such facility is Clarinet - where British spies collect the data of millions of Internet users in the Persian Gulf.

Although Snowden shared the leak with the Guardian, it did not provide details of GCHQ's facilities in Oman. GCHQ went to the medium's London office to oversee the destruction of the files. The information was only later made public by investigative journalist Duncan Campbell on the IT news portal The Register.

For the Omanis, it confirmed what many had already suspected: British intelligence services were involved in their country's security apparatus, which is often as inward looking as it is watching its adversaries.

Repression is the norm in Oman, where all political parties are banned and independent media are silenced. In the latest global press freedom index published by the campaign group Reporters Without Borders, Oman ranks 155 out of 180 countries.

Oman is effectively Britain's best vassal state in the region. Its own intelligence agency was created by British officers with veterans of GCHQ and until 1993 it was headed by a person on loan from MI6. Originally called the Oman Research Department, it was later renamed the Internal Security Service and is managed by the Royal Office.

It is headed by General Sultan bin Mohammed al-Naamani. For being a civil servant, he did well, buying a £16 million mansion in Surrey from former English football referee John Terry. In 2021, anti-corruption protests swept the country, organized secretly in the middle of a state-sanctioned Palestine march.

Solidarity with Palestine

Support for Gaza remains high, making the sultan's alliance with Britain increasingly risky.

The Omanis began confronting British troops at their aircraft carrier base in the port of Duqm. In a video shot in their Renaissance Village canteen, an Omani man told five British soldiers sitting at a table:

"This country [Britain] is fucking pro-Israel, you should get out of here. You piece of sh**. It's time to get out of here."

As a British captain tried to walk away, the Omani man criticized Rishi Sunak for sending two naval ships to support Israel after October 7. Defense Minister James Heappey told parliament:

"We are aware that Service personnel have been surrounded in Oman. The security of our armed forces is of the utmost importance and we are constantly monitoring the security of our personnel."

Mohammed al-Fazari, an exiled Omani journalist and editor of Muwatin, told Declassified:
"If there was a declaration of war against the Houthi rebels, the British would undoubtedly use Oman as a starting point. Oman has consistently served as a base from which British forces... in a number of regional were deployed in conflict".

Al-Fazari believes that the Omanis are "clearly on the side of the Palestinian cause" and that their opposition to Britain's presence in the country would "intensify if it turns out that these military bases support the occupying settler entity, Israel".

Nabhan Alhanashi, an exiled activist who heads the Oman Center for Human Rights, said he was concerned that "the [GCHQ] site could be used for activities that are incompatible with the interests of ordinary Omanis, especially those with pro-Palestinian views ".

He added: "It is a real concern that the UK, by supporting Israel's efforts against Hamas, may, contrary to public statements, make Oman a partner and ally of Israel."

Omantel, Subco and the US Navy have been asked for comment.
Washington and London make a mockery of international law While the White House and 10 Downing Street deny the genocide in Gaza, both imperialist states are bombing Yemen, the poorest and most underdeveloped country in the West Asian region.
At an oral hearing before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague on January 11, the Republic of South Africa presented evidence aimed at stopping the State of Israel's genocidal policy against the Palestinian people of the Gaza Strip.

The next day, Tel Aviv presented its rebuttal to the allegations brought before the court by the African National Congress (ANC) government.

A British lawyer for the State of Israel claimed that South Africa's claim was flawed and that there was no evidence of genocide against the people of Gaza. However, it is highly unlikely that a ruling party like South Africa's ANC would fail to understand the important issues contained in the legal claim against the settler-colonial State of Israel.

For more than three centuries, the people of South Africa have been subjected to destabilization, robbery, domination and economic exploitation by the white minority. During the colonization of the area by the British and the Boer people from the 17th century to the end of the 20th century, the African people organized themselves to remove the yoke of national oppression.

The colonization of Palestine took place under the tutelage of British imperialism during the 19th and 20th centuries. The British also played a decisive role in the establishment of white minority rule in the country that became known as the Union of South Africa. This settler-colonial model was not limited to the continental regions of Africa and Asia, the indigenous peoples of North and South America, the Pacific Islands, the Caribbean and Central America were also severely affected by imperialism's compulsion to dominate the world's population. the resources and work of the majority.

The Balfour Declaration, issued by a British Foreign Secretary in 1917 in the middle of World War I, was used in part to justify the establishment of the Zionist state in 1948. This entity could not have been created or sustained without the support of the leading imperialist powers, including the UK and the USA. For the past 75 years, the West Asian region has been characterized by social unrest, upheaval and continuous wars as a result of the machinations of imperialism.

Since 1948, the Zionist state and its supporters in Washington and Wall Street have encouraged and facilitated the expansion of settler-colonialism in the region. This foreign policy is implemented by generously funding the military and security apparatus of the State of Israel. The government in Tel Aviv not only occupies Palestinian territories, the Zionist state has occupied the Syrian Golan Heights since 1967 and continues to occupy the southern Lebanese lands known as Shebaa Farms, over which Washington recognizes Tel Aviv's sovereignty.

South Africa confronts the supremacy of Zionist impunity

In its opening salvo against Tel Aviv, South Africa's legal team focused on statistics collected by the Palestinian Ministry of Health, the World Health Organization (WHO) and other humanitarian organizations that clearly illustrate the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) the negative impact of its bombing and land acquisition on the natives of Gaza. More than 23,000 people have lost their lives in Gaza since October 7, when the Hague trial opened.

In addition to the deaths and injuries, public institutions, hospitals, schools, universities, mosques, churches and neighborhoods were destroyed as a direct result of the IDF's military actions. President Joe Biden's administration has continued to send thousands of tons of weapons to the IDF so they can step up their genocidal assault on Gaza. Therefore, the entire population of the Gaza Strip, approximately 3.2 million people, remains at risk.

In a complaint presented by lawyers for the South African government, Al Mayadeen stressed:
"Adila Hassim, the lawyer who opened the argument, said: 'South Africa claims that Israel has violated Article II of the (Geneva) Convention. article, as he committed acts that fall under the concept of genocide. The acts show a systematic pattern of behavior from which one can infer genocide. Hassim outlined the extent of death and destruction inflicted on the Palestinian population by the Israeli military. "For the past 96 days, Israel has waged what it calls one of the heaviest conventional bombing campaigns in Gaza in the history of modern warfare. Palestinians in Gaza are being killed by Israeli weapons and bombs from the air, land and sea," Hashim said. "

These are facts that cannot be denied." under the pretext of self-defense. There is no way Israel can claim to be defending itself when its actions have not only been aggressive since October 7, but have remained a racist entity since the establishment of the settler-colonial state in 1948. The leading figures of the Palestinian national liberation struggle are still being murdered by Israeli security forces and its ally, the United States.

Furthermore, the occupiers and aggressors cannot be morally or politically equated with the oppressed, who are suffering from forced displacement, detentions, and large numbers of injuries and deaths. The ongoing siege only worsens the situation for the people of Gaza , which is already considered the largest open-air prison in the world.

Al Mayadeen, in the same report cited earlier, points out that:
"Vusi Madonsela, South Africa's Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Kingdom of the Netherlands, concluded South Africa's submission with the following: 'In our request, South Africa recognized the ongoing Nakba of the Palestinian people through Israel's colonization since 1948, which has systematically and violently dispossessed, displaced and dismembered them. the Palestinian people, deliberately denying them their internationally recognized, inalienable right to self-determination, as well as their internationally recognized right to return as refugees to their cities and villages, in the territory of today's

State of Israel ." accuses settler-colonialists based on the actual history of Palestine. The lawsuit lays out a series of demands aimed at providing immediate relief to people negatively affected by the settler-colonial system.

As in South Africa under the apartheid system until 1994, when the ANC led by former president Nelson Mandela came to power, the entire system of government is based on racism, national oppression and institutional racism. The similarity between the historical trajectory of apartheid and today's Zionism makes it clear why democratic South Africa brought the plight of the Palestinians to the World Court.

Al Mayadeen goes on to comment on the claim against Israel:
"He went on to list the measures requested by South Africa, which included:

- the immediate suspension of Israel's military operations in and against the Gaza Strip;
- that no military or irregular armed forces unit to take no steps to continue the previously mentioned military operations;
- both South Africa and Israel to take reasonable measures within their power to prevent genocide;
- and Israel is requested to report to the Court on "all measures taken to carry out this order within one week of the date of this order and thereafter at such regular intervals as the Court may direct until the Court makes a final decision in the matter and that such reports shall be published by the Court.

Palestinians are also at imminent risk of starvation, dehydration and disease as a result of Israel's siege, destruction of Palestinian cities, insufficient aid to the Palestinian population and the inability to distribute limited aid while the bombs are falling. This behavior makes the basic things necessary for life impossible.

Hashim was referring to Israel's first evacuation order on October 13, which called for the evacuation of more than 1 million people, including children, the elderly, the wounded and the infirm.

He said: "Whole hospitals had to be evacuated, even newborns in the intensive care unit. The order was to evacuate from north to south within 24 hours. The order itself was genocide. It called for immediate movement, taking only what could be taken, while no humanitarian aid was allowed... It was clearly calculated to deliberately destroy the population.""

The bombing of Yemen is unjustified under international law
Russia and China, two permanent members of the UN Security Council, have condemned the bombing carried out by Washington and London in Yemen. Imperialism the justification for this military attack suggests that the US and the UK are trying to keep trade routes open for international involvement.

However, the horrors of genocide override the flow of global trade. Yemen's Ansar Allah movement justifies the daily slaughter of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip given responses.

Instead of joining the governments of South Africa and Yemen in expressing solidarity with the Palestinians, the US and Britain are actually enabling the mass displacement, harm, backwardness and murder of an oppressed people. This is the rationale behind the attacks on Yemen. As imperialist states, both countries want to maintain the status quo by ensuring the continued isolation, expulsion, and ultimately extermination of the Palestinians.

South Africa's legal action reflects the sentiments of the millions of people around the world who have rallied and marched in solidarity with Palestine since October 7. Undoubtedly, these social forces will determine the actual outcome of the struggle for Palestinian justice and independence.
NASA Moon Landing Evidence, Unexplained Errors What is reality? What is an illusion? Below is Mark Keenan's carefully reasoned analysis of Moon Landing 2023 - Science or Sci-Fi? based on his book.
According to the latest developments, an American spacecraft was involved in the first American attempt to land on the moon for the first time in more than 50 years.

"On a fatal collision course with Earth"?

The Independent reported:

"Pittsburgh-based Astrobotic's private mission, Peregrine Mission One, took off from Earth last Monday [January 8, 2024] and was scheduled to land on the lunar surface on February 23. However,

a fuel leak sealed the fate, and about 30 hours after launch, the company admitted that the spacecraft had "no chance" of a soft landing on the moon. In its

latest update on the spacecraft, the company said it was "heading for Earth" and that upon return it will "probably" burn up.

Click here to read the full article on The Independent.


This article is largely based on my book Landing on the Moon 2023 - Science or Sci-Fi?, and is a sequel to Landing on the Moon 2023 - Science or Sci-Fi ?.In that last article

I described that:
- Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) claims to have landed on the moon on August 23, 2023, however there is no evidence for this claim.
- we were shown video footage taken by the ISRO spacecraft while it was orbiting the moon, but the footage appears to be CGI. The black-and-white image of the spacecraft on the moon looks more like a few meters of barren desert that could be in Nevada or a Hollywood movie set. ISRO's black and white image and CGI-like video of their alleged moon landing is no proof of anything.
- ISRO does not provide any visual evidence - there is no reference point in the image or short video to support their claim that a spacecraft has landed on the moon. Nothing seems to have allowed us to verify this moon landing as an "actually happened" event. Why didn't ISRO put a single earth-pointing camera on board so that we can get good quality pictures and videos from earth, moon or space to provide evidence? They expect us to believe that they can put a spectrometer on the moon to examine the surface and many other instruments for scientific experiments, but they couldn't put a single high-quality camera on the rover or rover and point it at Earth?
- Due to ISRO's "moon landing", many videos have appeared on the Internet that ridicule the project.
- and since many have identified fakes and anomalies in NASA footage that suggest that NASA's Apollo moon landings were faked, it is the duty of ISRO and all space agencies to provide clear evidence of any alleged moon landings.

In this article I will:
- expose some inexplicable flaws in NASA's evidence of the moon landings;
- I detail the methods, technologies and technical tricks that Hollywood uses to simulate space and weightlessness in movies;
- and examine the technical gimmicks and augmented virtual reality technologies that space agencies such as NASA appear to be using to "fake" space and weightlessness, as well as live video footage from the International Space Station (ISS).

NASA's moon missions are said to have cost the US government, and thus the US taxpayer, about $2.4 trillion, but NASA seems to only be able to show some moon dust and some small rocks that they claim are from the moon.

That's a lot of money to get a few stones. They also say that "all the moon rocks were stolen, including the safe they were in" at NASA headquarters. Following US Freedom of Information requests, NASA has admitted it has lost original video footage, audio data, bio-medical monitoring data and telemetry data tracking the spacecraft's position and operation, as well as the lunar modules, spacesuits and rovers, as well as the complete, multi-part Saturn V original plans/drawings of rockets[1]. Is it any wonder that in recent decades there has been a growing consensus that NASA faked the Apollo moon missions in the 1960s - that the whole thing was just a made-up TV show.

Shadows pointing in different directions on the Moon

NASA Moon Landing Evidence, Unexplained Errors
NASA Moon Landing Evidence, Unexplained Errors

Let's take an analytical look at NASA photographic anomalies in photos taken of astronauts on the Moon. These anomalies must be analyzed with an understanding of lighting and shadows.

If the objects are lit solely by the Sun, as all scenes on the Moon are supposed to be, then all shadows will run parallel to each other regardless of the landscape. However, in the above photos of the moon landing from the NASA archives, the shadows point in different directions, proving that there were two different light sources - it's clear that the scenes were lit with artificial light. One shadow is that of the astronaut; and the other shadow appears to be that of a pole. There are other examples of this mistake by NASA. The argument that shadows may point in different directions on uneven terrain does not explain the significant differences observed.

NASA has taken three rovers to the moon, but never brought a telescope to view and photograph Earth.

NASA Moon Landing Evidence, Unexplained Errors

Furthermore, we would think that seeing the stars from the Moon would be a wonderful sight, yet there are no stars in the pictures and videos taken from the Moon - ever. When asked about the stars at NASA's post-flight press conference, this was the only question to which Armstrong responded with amnesia. In addition, we are led to believe that during several lunar missions, NASA brought three rovers that cost $60 million each, but never brought a single telescope to look at and photograph the stars or the Earth.

In addition, there is the anomaly in the NASA video that the American flag is blown by the wind, twice, on the "atmosphereless" moon. Also, when the footage of the astronauts walking and jumping on the moon is doubled in speed, it is clear that they are walking in Earth's gravity and are no more leaving the ground than they are on Earth. Several documentaries explore these and other anomalies[2]. Also, how did the moon bug fit inside the spacecraft and why was there no blast crater under the lander. The reality is that there is far more evidence to support the claim that man never walked on the moon than the other way around.

NASA Astronauts Walk in Earth's Gravity - Video Speed ​​Appears to Be Slowed Down and Speed ​​Adjusted

An independent researcher has produced a comprehensive video analysis[3] in which he examines in detail the slow-motion motion of astronauts on the Moon, as well as footage from the Apollo Moon Mission and several other its mysterious and questionable aspect. This includes analyzing the sand that fell from the hands of the astronauts during the Apollo experiments. He stated:

"I have measured the velocity of falling objects... on the Apollo television footage... And based on my assessment of how the footage was recorded and converted to slow motion, the measurements correspond exactly to Earth's gravity. My measurements are reproducible by independent scientists, and I provide a clear reference to the source material so that this can be done with as little effort as possible."

Another independent researcher stated:

"The Apollo 'astronauts' look like they're moving underwater, walking on the sea floor. All in slow motion. Even when they jump up, it's all in slow motion. But there's no scientific basis for that. There's no reason why someone walk or move around on a low gravity planet or moon and thus move in slow motion. At least not when jumping up. What would slow them down? They are supposed to be moving in a low gravity environment with no atmosphere. What would slow them down? The problem is that in the free falling objects would move slower in low gravity than on Earth, but other motions would travel at normal or perhaps even faster than normal speeds. This must have been a technological nightmare for a 1960s filmmaker.

So the likely solution was to direct the Apollo Before 11, they produced and showed a large-scale motion picture showing people in space and on the moon, all in slow motion, and told the audience that it was the most technologically accurate film about space travel ever made. They would even show a short scene in which people walk on the moon, also in slow motion of course... This movie was, of course, 2001: A Space Odyssey".

NASA Moon Landing Evidence, Unexplained Errors

NASA even admits that all NASA images of Earth are CGI composites

Incredibly, it appears that all Earth images that NASA claims to have taken from space are actually CGI (Computer Generated Image) composites. NASA even admits on its website that NASA images of Earth are composite, computer-generated images, i.e. composites of multiple images taken by satellites or (they claim) the International Space Station.

See NASA images of Earth at weblink[4], these images are clearly computer generated. We are expected to believe that NASA can send probes equipped with high definition cameras to Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, etc. to photograph, but can't rotate the camera to get a single full shot of Earth? The following text is quoted from NASA's website:

"Image composites are the fusion of several images taken in an overlapping series. The images in this collection include several composite images taken from the International Space Station of various beauties of Earth. The green marks on the map indicate the the locations of all the composites listed in the collection, and all the available image composites are presented in the drop-down menu below." - NASA[5]

"The new image is a composite of six separate orbits taken by the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership satellite on January 23, 2012. Both new 'Blue Marble' images are from the new Visible Infrared Imaging instrument flying aboard the Suomi NPP Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) recordings." - NASA[6]

In my research, I have not found a single image of the "entire" Earth as a globe that is not a CGI composite or has not been subjected to manipulation, i.e. there is no "real" image of the entire Earth taken from "space " were made. Based on NASA's lunar missions and the alleged launches of probes launched into "deep space", there must be hundreds of such images.

NASA Earthrise Photos - Allegations of Photo Tampering

The famous "Earthrise" photos, which purportedly show the Earth rising above the Moon's horizon, were allegedly taken during the 1969 Apollo 11 mission. According to NASA's official website, "Bill Anders, aboard Apollo 8, took this iconic image of the Earth seen from behind the surface of the Moon as the first crewed spacecraft orbited the Moon."[7] However, various researchers and photography experts have provided evidence that , that the NASA photos were faked[8]. These analyzes show telltale signs where parts of the photo were copied and pasted from another source, where parts of the photo were reworked, and where a globe-shaped earth was inserted into the photo.

An old and a new way to fake space

"Space may be the last frontier, but it's being made in a Hollywood basement..." - Lyrics from the song Californication by the band Red Hot Chilli Peppers.

Traditionally Hollywood zero-gravity movie scenes also seem to have been shot on a "NASA-issued" KC-135 aircraft nicknamed the "vomit chamber". At the apex of the plane's elliptical arc, it descends at about 32,000 feet, resulting in about 20 seconds of weightlessness.

NASA Moon Landing Evidence, Unexplained Errors

I also note a video presentation detailing the intricate and clever design tricks used in Hollywood filmmaking equipment to simulate weightlessness[9]. These devices include "vertical corridors" built upwards, similar to chimneys.

NASA Moon Landing Evidence, Unexplained Errors

The actors are suspended on wires from the top of the corridor and the camera is pointing upwards - this prevents the audience from seeing how this trick is done. The camera looks up at the actor and it appears as if the actor is floating down the hall in weightlessness. The wires are then cut out of the video using CGI technology.

NASA Moon Landing Evidence, Unexplained Errors

Note that footage shot inside the International Space Station (ISS) also features this corridor-like setup. The image below is a screenshot of the video footage taken on the ISS. The quality is not premium, but the image below clearly shows the corridor-like setup. In addition, in this case it is clearly visible that the ISS actor (AstroNOT) wearing a harness has wires attached to it. As she bends down, you can see that her dress is sticking out in two places where two wires are hanging from it.

NASA Moon Landing Evidence, Unexplained Errors

Click here to watch the video on Youtube.

This appears to be one of several errors NASA has made in live video transmissions from the ISS. We are unlikely to find such videos on platforms owned by mega-corporations such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc., because all the big platforms use algorithms to decide what information to show and what not.

However, many people have downloaded such videos over the decades. As the saying goes: "the cat is out of the bag" - NASA lied to us. Such corporate media censorship is also widespread in connection with the fake Covid-19 pandemic and climate CO2 fraud. For more details see the books No Worries No Virus and Transcending the Climate Deception - Toward Real Sustainability.

Augmented Virtual Reality technology - it's becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish between what is "real" and what is real Computer Generated Image (CGI) video.

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